The Moon's Interlude

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So this is one of my favorite chapters I've written. Hope you guys like it!  Comment below lovelies :)

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The world was full of a variety of people. Children, their destinies not yet decided. Adults, whose life may or may not be sealed permanently. Life was a busy thing. Every action could mean nothing or could determine every year to come afterward. Actions affected everything. They could affect the most trivial things or those of the most importance.

It was these actions that determined the course their life would take. The courses could lead to happiness or even at times, death.

There had been some actions that foretold legends written in the stars. Secret destinies that would only be told to the Man in the Moon himself. It was him who watched over everyone, watching the course that their life would take.

Every now and then, there was someone who had the chance of becoming someone great. The stars would whisper about the subject, stories that often glorified the person. Very rarely did that person end up the way that they were made out to be among heavenly bodies.

The Moon had seen it happen countless times. He would hear the twinkling of the stars, signifying that there was now someone new. This person might or might not end of on the path that would lead them to be great, that would set them apart from the rest. There were only a few who rarely did so.

The number of paths that a human could go down was vast. As great a number as the stars in the sky themselves. This is why the stars were often wrong. Yes, the person could choose the path that would set him off from the others. But most of the time they were led astray, losing the one thing that would set them apart. It wasn't always bad. Sometimes they just built a life for themselves and the light inside them was gone.

Still he watched. Looking for someone who would be special. Who could make a difference. Just when he began to think that there was no one, someone would come along. This is when he chose them. He immortalized them, freezing them in the state. The thing that set them apart wouldn't be lost. It would forever be apart of them. He gave them powers, hoping that they would use them in a way so that they stayed true to their center.

He couldn't control them. What they did with their powers was entirely up to them. They could go down any path they wanted.

It had been decided that there had to be a balance between dark and light. Fear had ruled in the world for a long time. Darkness had taken over so that it blocked out the light that the stars and Moon provided. Everyone had hidden. They couldn't watch over the people of the world anymore. So something had to be done.

That's when they had agreed that they had to protect the light and all that was good. The innocence in children. Darkness and fear could no longer be allowed to rule over the world.

The stars twinkled more than ever, seeing more and more people who held potential to protect the children. He had picked just the right ones over the course of many, many years. Slowly, one by one, lights began to return to the world. Children were now how they should be, believing and happy.

He had told them to come together. To form a group that had solemnly swore to protect the lights of the children in the world with all the powers that they possessed. To be believed in meant that they would be seen. That their fears would be relieved and they wouldn't have to live in the dark anymore.

He still watched over the ones who hadn't found their way. Everyone who he chose, he chose for a reason. If they stayed true to who they were, stayed on the path he had chosen, he had a plan for each and every one of them.

The ones who had sworn their lives to the children were set. They were believed in, had stability. It was the others that he watched more closely.

Ones like the boy with the frost powers. Jack Frost. When the stars had whispered destiny of the boy, he had been interested. Amused, but interested. The boy was known for filling silences with laughter. He was pure fun in himself. He could see the reasons but it wasn't until the day he died that he fully saw him. He had sacrificed himself for his sister. That had intrigued him. In a split-second decision, he decided to resurrect him. And thus Jack Frost was born.

He watched this one closely. Every night Jack would look up at him and ask him why he was here. What was his purpose? Every night, he would remain silent. It was all on him to find the right path. He planned that one day he might eventually make a valuable addition to the Guardians of Childhood.

Then he had met her. The Moon had never intended for them to meet. The stars had foreseen a path for her. When he had given the child her powers, he had been merely experimenting. Seeing how it would affect the paths of children as they made the transition to an adult. He had made the decision not to ever do it again as it had proved to be too much. It only promoted fear. But at the same time, her center was the one that the stars had professed it would be. When relieved from her fear, she was solely freedom. Only time would tell whether he would choose her.

He was surprised to see that they could see each other. He realized that it was because of the powers she possessed. Just like the rest he had chosen only she was not immortalized.

He was interested to see how this would affect Jack's path and how it did. He was always waiting for the day that Jack would be seen and it had happened. But while he was happy, for Jack was happy, he was also concerned. She would die eventually and he would leave. How would it affect him?

And then he hardly had time to worry about it. She was killed. Jack had cursed him for allowing someone to see him. For placing him here where he was subject to all the pain and hurt of the world. The girl was worthy of being chosen. But something held him back from it. Maybe it was the fear that lingered in the girl, but that wasn't it. He knew that if he chosen her, she would be different. Just herself, the pain of the past washes away. It would give her a clean slate.

Jack grieved like he had never seen anyone grieve before. It was raw. It was true pain.

He knew that it had to happen but the grief was always there. Always heavy in Jack's heart. He was worried about it. After a time, grief turns to anger. He had never seen Jack Frost so much as enraged. Frustration, yes, at being alone all these years. But the rage had taken over Jack. Had possessed him to kill a man.

The Moon and the stars held their breath, waiting to see what would happen. Surprisingly, he hadn't veered off the path. He was afraid that anger would rule Jack, which wasn't how he had planned it. Mostly pain had, for a while. It had slowly subsided, but the grief was always present, stored away deep inside Jack Frost's heart.

He would wait till Jack's path was set. Then he would relieve the grief. He would immortalize her. She was the freedom to Jack's fun. She completed the half. With each other, they could both be nothing but their centers.

People were so different from each other. Every one of them was special. But there were the few who were destined.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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