Chapter 3 Elsa's POV

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So this is basically when Elsa and Jack meet but from Elsa's POV.  I just thought it'd be simpler to have it in separate chapters so yeah.  Ah, I really want some cheez its.  Favorite snack?  Comment below! (if you want to that is haha)

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I felt a smile play on my lips. All those years, of trying to achieve the impossible. And for what? To eventually slip up, to eventually watch my worst fear happen. Now that it had happened, I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was finally free, I thought incredulously. A laugh bubbled up and I let it ring throughout the tower, rejoicing in the feeling. It was a strange thing, to not have to worry about keeping it all in. Not having to be afraid of hurting anyone, of having people know about my powers. They knew now and I didn't have the slightest care. I was far from everyone's reach.

I flicked my fingers, snow spiraling through the air, waiting to be formed into something. What could I make? I felt a thrill go through me. I could make anything I wanted to. I let my mine wander, searching for something to create. Do you want to build a snowman?

I shook my head clear of the thought, an ache in my chest. I felt an overwhelming sadness, thinking about Anna. What was she thinking, now that my secret had been revealed? Was she scared of me? I shut my eyes tightly, trying to focus on something else.

Still, I couldn't help picturing her face right before I fled the castle. Shock evident, looking at what she would've thought inconceivable. If only she hadn't pulled off that glove. . .

No, I knew deep down it would've happened sometime along the road. It was just a matter of where and when. I had fooled myself into believing that I could keep it under control if I had the will. But, it wasn't something that I should have kept hidden. It wasn't something that was meant to be.

I sighed, feeling peaceful, if not a little bit sad. I started down the staircase.

Just as I had almost reached the bottom, the tower doors opened.

A bare-footed boy around my age carrying a hooked stick poked his head in. I was so stunned that I stayed frozen to my spot, a hand going up to my chest. He had white hair and bright blue eyes, wearing nothing but some pants and a hooded shirt.

He glanced around and then looked at me. Our eyes met and he stared at me, his mouth slightly open as in awe. I felt like I had just been submerged in icy water from head to toe. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, and I hastily turned around, stumbling on the steps. I picked up the train of my dress and started up the staircase.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" I yelled. He looked around him, a mask of confusion on his face that turned into something of disbelief.

"Are you talking to me?" he called, something on the edge of his voice that I couldn't identify. Hope, maybe?

"Leave me alone!"

I ran up the staircase as fast I could, shutting the doors behind me. I had left the kingdom to be alone, to protect everyone. I couldn't face anyone now that they knew about me. I didn't know how to. I had lived my life behind a closed door and now that it was open, I didn't know how to live my old life anymore. I felt so exposed, so vulnerable. Now that they knew, I had to go away. There would be no more lies and no more secrets. It was like I was someone new. And that someone didn't belong in the kingdom. I couldn't go back even if they'd have forgiven me and asked me to come back. Someone could have gotten seriously hurt at the ball. I couldn't risk that, especially with Anna.

I stood on the balcony, facing the door. Did he leave? My question was answered a second later. It slowly opened and the boy came in. Didn't he know when he wasn't wanted? Why couldn't people leave me alone?

"I said get out!" I cried, raising my palms. He held up his hands defensively.

"Wait!" He replied desperately. "I'm not here to hurt you!"

He moved closer, slowly, as if not to frighten me. I felt a rush of anger. He had no right to be here. This was my sanctuary, my own place to be alone.

"I have to know something," he continued, and swallowed. "You can see me?"

"What kind of question is that?" I snapped. "I came here to get away from people. Now I'm ordering you to leave or else I'll have to make you!" He showed no sign of acknowledging my threats.

"She can see me," he whispered to himself. He turned away, putting his hands in his hair. He spun back around, a wide grin taking over his face. "You can see me!"

He laughed, and came nearer, this time more quickly.

"Stop it!" I pleaded. I swallowed and shot ice out of my hands. His eyes widened and he put up his stick in defense. A brilliant blue light shot out of it. The two collided and let out a force that knocked me down to the ground. I opened my eyes blearily to find the air shimmering with blue snowflakes. My heart pounding, I looked at the boy.

He was looking around at the room in wonder, catching a snowflake in his hand. He laughed again, smiling. Then he looked over at me.

"Oh! Sorry, are you okay?"

He came closer, offering his hand. I stared up at him numbly for a moment and took it.

"I didn't mean for that to knock you down," he said sheepishly. He grinned boyishly at me, tousling his hair.

"How did you do that?" I blurted out, taking a few steps back. I wrapped my hands around my arms, staring at him.

He leaned against his stick and just looked at me in amazement. He shook his head and laughed quietly to himself.

"You can see me. This is real. You can actually see me!"

He closed his eyes and smiled, it was serene and completely blissful. He opened them and came towards me. I stood motionless, petrified, my cheeks flushing. He stopped till he was right in front of me, and then hesitantly touched my arm. It was the lightest of touches and my skin tingled even through the fabric.

"You don't go through me either!" he exclaimed excitedly. I gawked at him, bewildered.

"Answer my question."

"Sorry what was it?" he asked, his brows knitting together.

I walked away from him, sitting down in a chair. "How did you acquire your abilities?"

"Abilities? Oh, right. Those." He shrugged. "I've always had them ever since I can remember. I guess the Man in the Moon gave them to me. If he didn't he's never said so."

I wasn't exactly sure what he was talking about, but before I could ask he continued, "You have powers like me. Only they're a little bit cooler."

I smiled a little and nodded my head.

"That's great! I've never met anyone else who had any type of anything really. No special talents. Not like you and me anyway," he said winking. I felt a flush creep back into my cheeks.

"Neither have I," I whispered. "I never imagined that I wasn't the only one. I always assumed I was alone."

"Well you're not anymore," he said lightly. "This whole tower thing is awesome. And the fact that you created it alone. . ." He shook his head, at a loss for words. "Why are you out here by yourself?"

I looked away, suddenly afraid.

"Because I wanted to be," I responded defensively.

"So I gathered. I've been alone for a while now. And it gets pretty lonely."

"I know."

Our eyes met and I quickly flitted mine away. So I wasn't alone anymore. It was hard to believe, but I wasn't. I had met someone who might understand what it was like to be afraid of you. So I believed anyway. He had said that he was alone, too. Why did he leave his family? To protect them? The thought was comforting, someone understood.

"So, my name's Jack," he said awkwardly, grinning and holding out his hand. I considered it for a moment and then took it. It was warm and cool and felt oddly pleasant in mine.

"I'm Elsa."

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