Chapter 18 Elsa's POV

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I awoke with my head pounding. I felt my face scrunch up in pain. It felt like my skull was spitting apart.

I was conscious that I was laying on something very hard. I opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the very dim light in the room. The smell was very musty, as though the room hadn't been aired in a long time.

"Elsa! You're awake!" a voice crowed. I shook my head, trying to focus on my gaze. A face with anxious blue eyes stared at me, anticipating her move.

I stared at the face a moment more before I recognized it. Jack? Where was I? I looked around and with a sickening feeling realized where I was. I was in Arendelle.

"I tried to stop them, I did . . .," Jack's voice was sad. "I was afraid that I would hurt you while doing so."

I rushed to the window, hoping it wasn't true. It couldn't be true. I was yanked back and I looked down at the thing that was holding me back. My hands were trapped in iron, a chain latched to the wall. The chains clinked together, mocking me.

I looked at them and then to Jack. He stared at me, helpless to do anything. I stretched towards the window, waiting to catch a glimpse. I caught much more than that. Ships stuck in the frozen lake, snow falling outside.

"Oh no," I whispered miserably. "What have I done?" I felt a feeling clawing its way through me, filling me up till I felt crowded in my own body.

"Elsa?" Jack said uncertainly, laying a gentle hand on my arm. I heard the creak of an iron door opening and I whipped my head to face it.

Through the dim light, there as a lantern visible. Hans stepped through, watching me cautiously. He set the lantern down and continued looking at me.

"Why did you bring me here?" I demanded, going towards him as much as I could.

"I couldn't just let them kill you," he said softly. I heard Jack make a noise and I felt a flash of gratitude towards Hans. Maybe he didn't have a choice. At the same time though, I can't believe they brought me back.

Hans rubbed his arms and his breath was visible due to the cold air.

"But I'm a danger to Arendelle." I told him, desperate to change this mind. "Get Anna." A look that I didn't recognize passed over his face. Pain?

"Anna has not returned," he said. What? My head started to pound again and I looked to the window, as if to see her standing there, returning to Arendelle. Nothing but ice and cold. What had happened to her? Was she safe? Jack put his hand on my arm again, looking at Hans.

"It's okay," he whispered.

"If you would just stop the winter. Bring back summer," Hans pleaded. "Please."

I closed my eyes, pain lancing through my chest.

"Don't you see?" I asked, my voice breaking. "I can't."

His eyes widened, as if just now realizing how dire the situation was. Now realizing that there was nothing I could do. That Arendelle was cursed to be frozen forever. Or at least . . . the thought hit me like a brick. Would killing me put an end to this winter? He had said that they couldn't just let me die. Had their first decision been to put an end to me?

"You have to tell them to let me go." I said, my voice urgent. He looked torn and then slowly nodded.

"I'll do what I can."

And then he walked out, closing the door behind him. Jack squeezed my arm and I looked up at him. I saw something that I had never seen in his features before. He looked scared.

"Elsa, we're going to get you out of here," he reassured me. I swallowed hard.

"How?" I whispered. He nodded at me and then put his hands over the iron cuffs that encased mine.

"Like this."

A concentrated look came over his face and frost started to move across the hard surface. He moved to the walls, freezing those as well.

"Start freezing, focus Elsa! If it's cold enough we can get you out of here."

I nodded and then a burst of ice coated everything. I shivered.

I yanked on the chain, trying to bust it loose. It still held firm. Jack was frosting everything, and ice spikes started to point in on me. Just like they had before Hans and the other men had taken me here.

"Keep freezing!" Jack called. I nodded and the floor became icy. I kept yanking on the chains. I had to get out.

Then I heard the noise of footsteps coming down the hallway.

"She's dangerous!"

"She's a threat to all of us!"

"Jack," I gasped. I yanked once again on the chains.

"The door won't open! It's frozen shut!"

I yanked again. The wood foundation of the room and the stone was starting to fall apart with the cold. Jack came over to me.

"You yank and I'll pull!" I pulled with all my might and with a pop, the cuffs broke. I aimed my free hands, raw from pulling, at the walls and focused my power. With a burst of blue light and icy spikes the wall blew open.

Jack grabbed his stick and then my hand. We rushed out onto the frozen lake together. The snow outside was now falling so hard and fast that it was hard to see, hard to walk. A whiteout, a blizzard. Walking past the boats didn't offer any shelter from the harsh weather, it was everywhere. Coming down on us from all directions. I latched onto Jack, not daring to let him go. I was afraid that if I did, then I would never see him again.

I saw his mouth open and I asked him what he said, but my voice was lost in the wind.

"Elsa!" he shouted. "I can't fly you in this, you need to calm down."

"We have to get to the mountain! We can make it!"

"Not like this!"

"I don't know how to stop it!" I yelled, panic in my voice. Just then his stick was yanked out of his hand; it hit the ground a couple feet away. He let go of my hand to grab it. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to make out which way it was to the North Mountain. We had to get there and fast.

And then all the sudden I couldn't see Jack.

"Jack?" I shouted. There was no answer. No, no this couldn't be happening. I had to find Jack. Jack.

"Jack?" I called again.

I heard my name, just faintly. I looked all around, desperate to know where it was coming from. Where was he?

"Elsa!" a voice called. I continued to strain my eyes, looking for a silhouette among the blinding snow. And I finally did. A huge surge of relief filled me for a split second. Then I realized who it was and I was doomed. I couldn't flee Arendelle. My fate had been sealed.

* * * * * * *

Ugh, chapters are so short.  They get longer in part two of this story.  So whenever Jack grabs her hand shackle things and starts freezing them I see this as so canon in the movie.  Ah.

What'd you think? Like it? Two more chapters and then part one is over.  And then onto part two!

Comment your thoughts below! Thanks for reading lovelies :)

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