Chapter 2 Jack's POV

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So I'll do my author's notes in bold! Awww yeah.  So thoughts on this chapter?  Comment below!  Love you allllllll

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I opened up the door. The inside was even more spectacular than the outside, crystal chandeliers hanging, the ice on the floor carved like a snowflake. I smiled briefly and looked up. That's when I saw her.

She was looking at me, her eyes blue and wide. Her hand, which looked very delicate, fluttered to her heart. She was wearing a frosty blue dress, her pale blond hair braided off to the side, framing her face. I had never seen anything more beautiful.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. I just stared at her, my mouth slightly open. I was frozen.

Then the spell was broken. The girl looked away from me. She picked up her dress and started up the stairs, stumbling on the first few steps.

"Go away! Leave me alone!"

Confused, I looked around myself, but I didn't see anyone else. She couldn't mean me? Could she? I felt myself involuntarily hoping, and I was almost scared to.

"Are- Are you talking to me?" I called out to her. She didn't turn around.

"Just leave me alone!"

It felt as though my heart would explode, felt as though my veins were wired. The chance, just the slimmest chance that she could mean me. That someone was talking to me and seeing me in a little less than a century, seemed too good to be true.

I swallowed hard and walked up the stairs, cautiously, afraid that if I moved too quickly the chance would go away.

I finally made it up to the doors. They looked like they could be transparent but when I tried to look through them I couldn't. I took a deep breath and my hands trembling, pushed it open.

I peeked my head through, trying to be alert. I could almost taste the disappointment and frustration that was on the verge of consuming me. I had to believe that something was changing.

"I said to get out!"

My head swiveled to the voice. The girl was standing on a balcony, her palms raised, as if to defend herself. Her expression was one of hostility, but her eyes were terrified. I felt as though everything slowed down.

"Wait," I told her anxiously, trying to get a word in. "I'm not here to hurt you, I swear."

I attempted to move closer to her, approaching her like I would a small child or a wounded animal. Her eyes hardened as I did so.

"I have to know something," I continued, speaking quickly. My breathing quickened, my heart pounding. "You can see me?"

"What kind of question it that?" she retorted, annoyed. "I came here to get away. Now I order you to leave, or I'll have to make you."

I ignored her last part. She could see me. She could see me.

I turned away from her, overwhelmed with joy. Was this really happening? I put my head in my hands, not daring to believe it. The years of being isolated and lonely were over. I was finally heard.

I laughed, and turned around, grinning at her.

"She can see me!" I exclaimed, rushing towards her. I'm not exactly sure what I was going to do.


She swallowed and then ice shot out of her hands. I felt my eyes widen and I instinctively raised up my stick, a compressed ball of frost shooting out from it. Wait! What if I hurt her? A flash of fear went through me.

Before I could react, the two rammed into each other, producing a blinding light. I squinted my eyes tightly and when I opened them, the room was full of snowflakes, falling from some undefined site. I watched them for a second, and held out my hand to catch one. It melted in my hand and I laughed quietly.

I looked up and my gaze fell upon the girl. She was laying against the ground, propped up by one hand, staring at me in alarm. She wasn't hurt was she?

"Oh! Sorry about that," I apologized hastily, "Didn't mean to knock you down. To be fair though, you were trying to attack me."

I immediately walked to her, holding out my hand. She hesitated and then took my hand. They were as tiny and delicate as I had thought they were. I grinned sheepishly and ran a hand through my hair nervously.

"How did you do that?"

I took a deep breath and leaned against my stick, just looking at her, taking her in. She was incredible. I couldn't get over the fact that she saw me. That I was standing here, talking to anyone, let alone this amazing person.

"You see me. This is real. You can really see me!"

I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling, the moment. Suddenly a thought occurred to me. Even though I knew it to be true already, I had to experience it again.

I opened my eyes and moved near her. I kept my eyes on hers and very hesitantly, reached out and touched her dress. I was aware of the warmness radiating off her skin, could feel her though the sleeve. She was entirely real. I could feel her.

"You don't go through me!" I said incredulously. I grinned and looked back at her face. She was staring at me like I was the strangest person she'd ever encountered, which I probably was.

"Answer the question," she said suddenly.

"Huh? Sorry what was it?" I inquired.

She walked away from me, sitting down a couple feet away. "Where did you get your abilities?"

"Oh, yeah. Right, those," I said. I searched my mind and coming up with nothing, shrugged my shoulders. "I've always had them. The Man in the Moon must have given them to me. If he didn't he's never said so. Then again, he never says anything. Gets pretty frustrating."

I let her digest that and then continued, "I mean, your powers seem to resemble mine. Granted, they're a little bit cooler—" I mumbled this—"But I've never met someone else like that."

"Someone like you or someone who's cooler?" she asked, a teasing smile on her lips. I smiled and ducked my head.

"Both," I admitted. "I've never met anyone with anything. No special talents. Not like you and me anyways." I winked at her and a beautiful blush colored her cheeks.

"Neither have I," she whispered and then cleared her throat. "I never thought- I mean, I always thought I was alone."

"Well not anymore," I told her. The words hung in the air between us and I looked for something to talk about. "So this tower is pretty awesome. I mean for creating it alone,well I assume you were alone anyway. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like this."

I stopped talking and shook my head at myself. God, I was babbling. She showed no signs of having been irritated though. I tried another tactic.

"Why are you alone up here anyway?"

She looked away from my gaze and wrapped her arms around herself.

"I just wanted to be."

"Right. So I gathered." I looked away and at my stick. I traced it lightly, and continued, "I've been alone for while. It gets pretty lonely."

"I know."

I started at her answer. She looked at me with those exquisite blue eyes, and then darted her eyes away. She had been alone too. Something told me there was a lot more to her. Maybe we were similar in more than one way.

"So," I said, the only thing I could think of to say, "My name is Jack."

I held out my hand and after a moment she took it. My skin felt electrified at the contact.

"I'm Elsa."

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