Chapter 6 Elsa's POV

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So a little repetition, Elsa and Jack talking before Jack went to Arendelle, but there's more!  I like writing in different POV's haha.

So.... Sunset or sunrise guys?  Personally, I love sunsets.  Especially Florida sunsets. Yep.  I want to be in Florida.  If there's any people from Florida, soak up some good Florida sun for meeeee.

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I wasn't sure why I opened up to him. Maybe it was because for so many years I hadn't been able to talk to anyone. Or maybe it was because we were so much alike, both different, both alone our whole lives. Either way, I did so.

I told him everything, everything he wanted to know. He seemed as eager to talk, to say anything. I don't know why I told him all I did. The strangest things, like my favorite flavor of tea, or how I didn't like necklaces because I felt like they choked me. I blushed at some of my answers but he didn't seem to notice. He seemed just as fascinated by one as the next.

"What's your favorite time of day?"

I paused, thinking, before I answered, "Sunrise."

"Huh, really? I would've thought you'd have been a sunset girl for sure."

"Sunsets are sad."

"Why do you say that?"

"They're the end of a day. Just a reminder that everything has to end."

"But the end of something could be the beginning of something beautiful."

"I guess I never really thought of it that way."

We talked the entire day, ranging from just sitting across from each other to me eventually lying faceup on the bed and him leaning against the side. The day had come and gone. I could hardly believe it when Jack told me but it was true.

"It didn't seem that long."

"I know."

I curled up underneath the covers, facing him. He was standing on the balcony, just watching outside. He turned around and I blushed as he saw me watching him. He grinned and sat on the bed so that he was facing opposite of me.

We sat there for a while, now and then looking at each other. I was kind of hungry but I could ignore that for a while. Eventually I would need to figure out my next move, but right now I just wanted to stay up in this tower forever.

"I don't want to fall asleep," I suddenly said. Jack looked back over at me.

"Why not?"

"I'm afraid that you'll leave."

I couldn't believe that I'd just said that. I felt so bare and exposed. And I didn't know why.

"Why would I?"

I moved my shoulders up and down. It seemed stupid now that I had voiced my fear aloud. I said the only thing I could.

"I just don't want to be alone again," I answered truthfully.

"Neither do I."

There was a moment of silence between us and I snuggled closer into my comforter and pillow.

"I'm glad I met you, Jack."

He didn't reply, just smiled slightly. I looked at him a moment longer. I think that I finally had someone who I could call a friend.

I closed my eyes, falling asleep easily. It was the best sleep I'd had in years.

When I woke up, sunlight blinded me. I shielded my eyes and turned away from it. I sank into my pillow, wanting to fall back asleep.

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