Chapter 9 Jack's POV

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Whew.  I've just been going from page to page copying and pasting to upload this story.  COPY AND PASTE CAUGHT ME sorry twenty one pilots moment.  It's all good though!  Hope you're enjoying the story.  Comment below?

Advice of the day:  Don't judge someone until you've been in their shoes.  You don't know what they've gone through.  Because a kitchen sink to you/ Is not a kitchen sink to me, ok friend?

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I watched her face, glowing radiant in the sunset. Her eyes were locked on it, wide and marveling, a pleased smile on her face. I smiled to myself. It felt so odd, being with someone up here. How many times had I sat here and wished that I could talk to someone? Those days seems like years ago, lifetimes ago.

My hands felt clammy on her arms. I was sure that she would say something, but if she noticed then she didn't. I didn't dare put any pressure, just lightly held her like that. It was as though I was scared that I would shatter her, that she would disappear.

"I thought that you'd like to see it," I told her. "It was one of my favorite places for a while."

"Thank you. For showing this to me," she said after a moment. I nodded, although she couldn't see it.

Eventually, the sunset faded, only leaving a faint trace of pink and orange. Night was starting to overtake the skies, the Moon rising and the stars waking up.

I looked at the Man in the Moon. Thank you for this, I told him silently. He didn't say anything but this time he didn't have to.

I could have stayed there forever but I knew that Elsa couldn't. I led her back slowly, and when she was safe from the edge let her go. With a feeling of regret, I realized that I didn't want to.

"Do you want to go back now?" I asked her. I was hoping that she'd say no. That she'd just want to stay up here forever. She looked indecisive for a moment and then shook her head.

"Can we stay a little longer?"

I nodded, smiling. I knew how she felt. Out of habit, I walked over to the very edge and sat down. I set my stick behind me; if I dropped it in the water who knew what I'd do? I turned around and motioned for Elsa to come sit beside me. Her eyes widened and she walked over towards me. After a moment of uncertainty, she sat down, being careful with her dress.

She hung her feet off the edge and I saw her look down momentarily before closing her eyes tightly. Her hands clenched into fists and she took a deep breath. A quiet laugh escaped me before I could stop it. Her eyes shot open and she looked at me.

"What are you laughing about?" I looked down and shook my head, still smiling.

"Nothing at all."

She looked a little miffed so I leaned and whispered, "You just look a little scared is all."

"No. Of course I'm not," she lied. I just looked at her.

"Maybe a little bit," she amended. I looked down and smiled.

"Well I'm right here. I'll save you if you fall."

She laughed and I focused on that sound. It sounded so wonderful. It just made me want to laugh and smile.

"I appreciate that."

We fell into a comfortable silence and she let out a little sigh. It sounded like a happy one though.

All I could think about is how right this was. Everything was perfect. Nothing could go wrong. I looked over at Elsa. She was so beautiful. In this moment she truly looked like a queen. I had never saw her as that before but now I could see it. She had a wisdom in her eyes, a look that made her seem much older, more mature. I couldn't help thinking about my own fun-loving personality. I smiled. This is why I'd met her. Even a queen needs to have fun.

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