Chapter 19 Jack's POV

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So my friend Beth helped me with this, therefore I dedicate this chapter to her.  She's amazing, go check out some of her stuff :)

Prepare yourselves. The feels are coming.

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It only took one second for me to lose her. I hadn't meant to let go of her hand. It had been an instinctive thing. I had to get my stick, it was only a few feet away. But after I had a firm grip, I turned around and I couldn't see her anymore.

I turned around, expecting for her to be waiting for me impatiently. But she wasn't there either. Where was she? I had to find her. Take her back to the ice castle as quickly as I could. Maybe I could fly high enough to get above the storm. But I couldn't risk it. If she were to slip from my grasp. . . I shook my head clear of the painful thought. I couldn't think like that.


I heard her shout and I looked around, trying to decipher where she was. It was impossible to tell. There was too much snow flying, and the force of the blizzard was so powerful even I couldn't stop it. She was so much more than I ever had been.

"Elsa, I'm right here!" I shouted as loud as I could. There was no answer but the wind roaring in my ears.

I could feel my desperation rising with every passing moment. Not knowing where she was terrified me. I couldn't lose her. I had to keep calm, I couldn't panic. Panicking wouldn't help me find her.

A thought suddenly occurred to me. I couldn't fly with Elsa, but maybe I could see where she was in an aerial view. I flew up but it was no use. The wind threw me this way and that, the blizzard kept everything hidden.

I landed back down on the ice and then suddenly I saw a dark figure take shape against the snow. Elsa. I started, feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"Elsa!" I called, relief evident in my voice. I saw her head snap up and look in my direction.

"Jack!" she yelled. I ran over to her and was about fifteen feet away when I realized that she wasn't alone. She looked around and seemed to realize it about the same time that I did.

"Elsa!" he called and with a jolt I realized that it was that one guy. Hans.

"You can't run away from this!" he continued. Her eyes met mine and then she turned around to answer him.

"Just take care of my sister!" she shouted, her voice raw with pain. He moved forwards and she backed up towards me with every step that he advanced.

"Your sister?" he repeated. "Your sister returned from the mountain weak and cold! She said that you'd froze her heart!"

I saw Elsa go absolutely still at these words. Her eyes widened in horror.

"No," she said, barely audible.

"I tried to save her," Hans went on, gesturing with his hands, "But it was too late!"

Elsa's expression went slack and her face twisted into one of pain. She shook her head in denial and I saw her mouth the word 'no'.

"Your sister is dead!"

Elsa stepped back as thought the words had physically hit her. I felt my heart racing. No, how could he tell her this? How could he do this to her?

"No," she whispered. She slowly turned around and her eyes locked with mine for one split second before it crumpled. Her mouth twisted into a silent sob and she fell onto the ground.

All the wind ceased, the storm clouds fell. The blizzard was suddenly gone. After a moment I realized what I was seeing. Everything was stopped. Snow flurries hung suspended in air, not falling, just there. Everything was still. It was as though time had stopped itself.

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