Chapter 17 Jack's POV

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Elsa sprang up, her eyes wild.

"They're back! I told them to go away! What if it hurts them?" she gasped and started running towards the stairs.

"Elsa!" I called, running after her. She got to the front entrance, falling on the ice. I helped her up and she went to the door.

I watched anxiously as she opened it slowly and peeked outside. After a moment she shut it and started backing away from it, shaking.

"It's not Anna," she whispered. "It's someone else."

"Who is it?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure. They're here to take me back to Arendelle. I just know it." she continued, her voice just as low. Her face had paled and her hands were still shaking badly.

"Maybe they're not," I reasoned with her. "Maybe they just want to talk."

"They want to talk to the person who froze Arendelle? Try to work it out? When they know that I could freeze them in an instant?" Her voice had taken on a hard bitter tone that I hardly recognized.

"Why can't they just leave me alone?" she asked me, her eyes wide and fearful. "Why don't they understand?" Her voice got louder and louder.

She walked up the stairs and I walked hastily after her. She whirled towards me and I felt my chest ache at the expression on her face.

"Jack, I need you to help me," she whispered. She grabbed my hands, her knuckles white.

"Anything you need," I said.

"I need you to fly me out of here. Now."

I nodded and grabbed her hand, pulling her up the staircase. The front door flew open and two hostile men came in loaded with crossbows.

"It's too late," Elsa muttered and she yanked out of my hand and started running.

"After her!" One of the men shouted, pointing towards her. I looked up and Elsa was already on the big staircase. A flash of anger went through me, burning hot in my chest. Were they here to hurt her?

"Leave her alone!" I yelled, holding up my stick. A sickening feeling filled me as they went right through me. They ran up the stairs after her and I followed them just as quickly.

They reached upstairs where Elsa was. The entire room was black and amber.

"No, please," Elsa pleaded, her face terrified. One of the men raised his weapons. I pointed my stick at him and blasted but he moved at the last moment.

The other one shot his crossbow at Elsa. My heart stopped. Time froze. When I blinked there was a sheet of amber ice in front of Elsa, the arrow protruding out of it. Adrenaline was dumped into my system, my heart racing at 100 miles an hour.

"Fire!" one of the men shouted. Elsa shot ice at one, then the other. Trying to ward them off, trying to get them away.

Both of the men moved to where they were on either side of Elsa. Elsa looked back and forth between them, raising her hands. Her face had changed. It was no longer fear, but anger.

Her blue eyes narrowed and as one man raised his weapon, she struck. Ice sprang from her fingers, deadly ice spikes. They pushed the man against the wall and held him there, threatening to impale him if he moved.

Her eyes moved over to the other one and with a move of her hand, flung the weapon out of his hand. I watched, partially awed and partially horrified.

The man tried to go to the left but she blocked his path to both the left and right. Then with a jerk of her head, a sheet of ice appeared, closing in on him. Frozen, I watched as he was pushed up against the door and eventually went through it, ice shards falling all around. Still, Elsa continued to move the ice towards him. With a sickening feeling I realized that she mean to push him off the balcony.

"Elsa," I said weakly. "Don't."

She showed no signs of having heard me at all. For one split second, I wondered if she could still see me.

"Elsa, stop!"

She ignored me, just kept moving the man. I moved towards her, as if to grab her arms.

Then a young man aided by six others came in.

"Queen Elsa!" the young man shouted, desperation in his voice. "Don't be the monster they fear you are!"

She looked at him angrily and the expression turned to one of horror as she lowered her hands. Her gaze flickered to me and she opened her mouth, as if to say something.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the young man rush over to the man who was imprisoned by the ice shards. He yanked up on his arm, and I watched as an arrow shot out of it. I perceived it all too slowly. The arrow hit the ice chandelier, cutting it down.

"Elsa!" I screamed. She looked up and I grabbed her arm and tried to get her away. She let out a gasp and the chandelier came rushing down on us. I stumbled and we both went flying to the ground.

I tried to make sense of the spots in my vision. I shook my head and tried to get up. I failed. There was a sharp pain my side and I reached out my hand, trying to grasp fro something. I came in contact with something warm. I opened my eyes blearily and tried to make sense of the red on my fingers, the red on Elsa's neck.

"She's unconscious," a voice said. "Lift her up and lets get her back to Arendelle."

No, she couldn't go back to Arendelle. I was supposed to take her away. We were supposed to fly away together.

"Elsa," I groaned, reaching out for her. I caught something and after a moment of exploring, realized that it was her hand. I latched onto it, while trying to get up.

"Is she hurt?"

"No, my lord. Just a minor cut on her neck. Nothing that can't be treated."

"Very well, get her on a horse and start towards Arendelle."

I felt her slip out of my grasp. Get up. Get up now! With another groan, I managed to get somewhat propped up.

I tried to clear my vision and did to where it was only a little bit blurry on the edges. I saw Elsa being carried away, her hand hanging limply, almost lifelessly. Anger and pain lanced through my chest. I had to get to Elsa.

I gritted my teeth and got up, grabbing my stick.

"Give her back!" I growled from behind them. They ignored me and I shot at their feet. One of the men let out a gasp as he fell back.

"Watch your step!" the young one advised. "Let's get out of here quickly. She might awaken."

The two men that had been trying to hurt Elsa were still upstairs. No one seemed concerned about them and I could feel fury building up inside me. They deserved worse than that.

Before I knew it, they had Elsa on a horse and were taking her away. And I was helpless to stop it. There was nothing else to do but follow them to Arendelle.

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