Chapter 1 Jack's POV

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Hello readers!  So I've already written this story completely it's just a matter of posting it all haha.  But hopefully you like what you read!  Happy reading :)

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I'll never forget the first time my path crossed with Elsa's, just hours after everything went wrong for her.

I remember wandering the streets at dusk that night, lightly dragging my stick along the ground, icy patterns decorating the pavement. There were few people outside today. I was bored, looking for fun, looking for something to do.

A little boy ran in front of me, excitedly looking back at me. I felt a grin slide on my face.

"Come on! Aren't you coming?"

"Coming to what?" I replied enthusiastically, trying to catch up with him.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" he persisted.

"Wait, tell me what for!"

The boy looked back at me and then stopped in front of me, looking impatient.

"Come on, Dad." He reached out his hand and I felt an icy cold go through me as a man walked through me, the earnest little boy leading him towards the castle. Oh. Right. I couldn't help feeling a lump in my throat and I wanted to scream for all my frustration. When would I get used to it? Would anyone ever see me? I really needed to stop letting it get to me.

I sighed and went back to drawing patterns on the ground. The little boy slid on the frosty road and laughed. His dad chuckled and put him on his shoulders. Then they left me alone.

Obviously something was going on at the castle. Probably the crowning that I had overheard on the streets yesterday. Normally, the idea of being around all those people would excite me, but I didn't feel up to it tonight. There was no point at all.

I let the wind take me up to a pine tree, and I sat there just looking at all the lights flickering in the kingdom. The Man in the Moon was closer though, his light shining on me. I put up my hood on my cloak up and looked at him.

"Can you tell me what I have to do? Why am I here?" I asked quietly. He didn't reply. Just stood there watching me, not daring to reveal his carefully guarded secret.

I felt angry. I felt hopeless. What was I doing here? No one could see me. No one could hear me. I was alone, the only one who knew of my existence was the Man in the Moon and even he ignored me.

I touched a branch and watched the frost glide delicately over the bark, as if carving it. My stick hung from a lower branch and I closed my eyes, feeling my temples pulsing.

I hated when I did this. I should have stayed around the towns people. At least I could feel like I was a part of them. Up here, I was admitting to the loneliness. I was letting it take me over. It was at times like these when I tried to search my memory.

Every time I did so, I came up with nothing except waking up on that frozen lake. And being completely and utterly alone. Not knowing anyone except the Man in the Moon, who was a good as nothing.

These thoughts kept playing in my mind as I watched the landscape below me, the wind blowing water from the lake. That's when I saw her.

I strained my eyes and sat up. A figure, a girl, running along the lake. Only she wasn't sinking, she was freezing it, snow and what looked like ice blazing around her with every step she took. How was that possible? It couldn't be, but it seemed almost like my abilities. Bewildered and intrigued, I grabbed my stick and let the wind take me towards her.

She started into the woods, towards the mountains that were nearby, snow glinting off their peaks. I flew from tree from tree, anxious to learn what I could.

"Hey, wait!" I called to her. She kept on running. Right, she can't hear me, though I swore she glanced back. I bit my lip, and then continued.

So I followed her, just keeping pace with her. I looked up. Clouds were starting to obscure the Moon and the sky. There were clear skies earlier, but now it was a gray blanket that threatened to spit out snow judging how the temperature had fallen.

She continued running for a good while, and just when I was starting to question how any living person can run that long, she collapsed. I watched, troubled and helpless to console her. I couldn't do anything at all. She laid there for a while, crumpled up in a ball, trembling. Would she freeze to death?

Just when I was thinking about getting help, she pushed herself up. She wiped her face which I was surprised to see tears on. Then she continued on.

I continued to watch her, torn. What could I do? I looked up at the Man in the Moon, foolishly hoping he would have an answer. As well as ignoring me, he was nowhere to be seen. Snow had started to fall, swift and unforgiving. It had covered the ground in a surprising amount of time.

She didn't seem to notice the cold or the rapid snowfall.


We both turned around. The girl had a frightened, terrified expression on her face and took off running. I looked back at Elsa, and then towards the voice in the distance that seemed to be pursuing her.

I jumped down and after hesitating for a moment, went towards the voice.

"Elsa! Wait, please!"

When I got closer, I saw a girl riding on horseback in a ball gown. Her expression held worry and had a desperate air. The horse was having trouble in the snow, which was accumulating by the minute.

"We can fix this!"

I watched, hoping I could find out more about the situation that revolved around this girl Elsa. The one who seemed to have had ice and snow spiraling around her every move when I first saw her. I willed this girl to say something more, desperate to quench my curiosity.

Then the girl fell off due to snow falling from a tree and the horse took off without her. She gave a wail of frustration and pleaded for it to come back. The horse skidded off, leaving her in the woods.

She jumped up, rubbing her arms with her hands. I observed from afar as she wandered around. I thought she would go back to the kingdom, so I was surprised when she continued walking the direction that she'd been originally riding in.

I watched her, mildly amused as she fell into some icy water. Her gown immediately stiffened in the cold air.

"Cold, cold," she kept chanting to herself. I would've laughed if I hadn't been so concerned and interested in what was going on. She was the one who had gone out in nothing but a gown.

Eventually though, she found a cabin in the middle of the woods. She went inside of it hurriedly and it seemed evident that she wasn't going to back out. Probably going to take shelter in it,wait for the storm to pass over.

I glanced up at the sky, which was growing increasingly lighter. It was past dawn. I'd been watching this girl awhile. What had happened to the girl Elsa? I glanced back to the cabin, which a broad-shouldered male was now entering, and then decided to scour around.

I went back to where I had left her and followed the other girl. It was no use to search for her on foot, the tracks were already covered. I lifted my stick and let the wind catch me, making me airborne. It was no use. There was too much forest, too much leafy coverage to be able to see anyone.

I started to go back down, when something glistening caught my eye. Light reflecting off something, blinding me. I shielded my eyes, and commanded the wind to take me closer.

As I got closer, I was able to get a clearer view of what it was that I had spotted. It was a tower, a castle, of ice, flashing and gleaming in the sunlight. I dropped down to the ground and gazed upon it in awe. It was incredible. I laughed. It was mind-blowing, spectacular. I had never seen anything like it.

Could it be that the girl- Elsa-had created this? There was only one way to find out. I started to climb the frozen staircase leading up to the tower doors.

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