Sabo says set sail!

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"Sabo!" you cried.

You stand up and hugged his back. The fire burns brighter almost suffocating you.

"oh no sabo! How will we get out of the fire? A fire! I only have a bottle of water in my pack!"

you panicked. You took out the bottle of water and handed it out to Sabo. You were shocked when sabo had slapped the water bottle out of your hands. You look at him about to say something but he was glaring at you. He looks so mad that you thought he'll hit you if you move the slightest. This is preposterous. You shook off the fear and glared at him in return.

"what's your problem?!" you stormed.

You suddenly remember slapping him before running into the forest.

"are you out of your mind?!" he storms back.

The fire grew as if his anger fuels it. he is outrage. Yes you are scared and infuriated at the same time but instead you reached out your hands to cup his cheeks. You try to pull him closer to you but got interrupted.

"sabo kun!" koala shouted.

The fire went out in a snap as sabo pushes you away to approach koala. You look at them at a distance. Koala was trembling. She has blood all over her shoulder.

"koala what happened?" sabo asked.

you approach the two silently nibbling on your fingers anxiously. Koala collapsed as Sabo quickly grabs her into his arms. There's a heavy feeling in your chest as you look at them, catching up to what had happened.


"I thought you'll come after us?" koala panted weakly.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just got caught off of something. What happened to you?" He replied.

"got into fight with the wild animals. I got scratch a little but it's not a big deal" she gave a feeble laugh.

"oh yeah ______ chan, the island is only inhabited by animals" she added.

Koala closes her eyes and rested on Sabo's chest.

"let's take you back and get you checked."

Sabo carries Koala into his arms and without a word, he walks away. You felt a slight pain in your chest seeing them like that. You followed them a block behind. When you finally got back at the shore the crew were already loading in the fruits and wild boars that they got from the forest. Hack carries koala away to see the ship medic.

Sabo was monitoring the crew when you approached him.

"hey" you said and pressed your lip.

Things between you and sabo aren't getting better. You are still mad at him and he doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk to you. He took out the crest you threw at him out of his pockets and handed it out to you.

"Take it. We don't need it." he said without looking at you.

"You still think I can't handle myself huh" you said starting to get pissed.

You crossed your arms and look away from him.

"Could we not do this right now? I don't want you to make a scene" he said.

"I am making a scene?!" you burst.

Well I am now

"All I'm saying is-" sabo tried to explain but you didn't want to hear it.

Sabo says (saboXreader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora