A Final Letter for My Beautiful Family [the end.]

Start from the beginning

Aimee and Malcolm were the ones who took care of me when I was on my lowest point. They sometimes cried when they saw me getting weak and weaker everytime, but then they always cheered me and theirselves up with their laughters, songs and glitters. When it coems to Daniel, he was the strong father outside for his kids. He's the one that explains to them that cancer is something very dangerous, but he told them that I will make it no matter what because I'm the strongest woman he'd ever met. He was that strong, but when we're alone in our room he cried everynight sleeping beside me. He told me that he don't want me to leave, that he'd do anything to make sure that I won't leave but I told him that I'll never leave, that I'll always be here.

It almost broke my heart when the doctor told me that I didn't have a second choice, that the countdown begins now and I'm extremely worried and petrified. I wasn't worried about dying, I was worried about my family. Will they be as strong as before? Will they broke apart? Or will they grew stronger?

But I wasn't afraid anymore. I knew that everything will be alright with them. That they will be holding their hands till the end of time, till the time comes to pick them one by one. I knew that Aimee, Malcolm and Jade would take care of each other, and Daniel would always be by their side, watching the grow for me, for us.

But I have something in my mind, something that I want to say incase something happens before it's time.

Aimee, don't cry cause mommy loves you. Mommy had always love you and I'll never stop loving you. I'm really proud of you, and I want to say that I will missed your glitter glue and cute laughter afterthis. Mommy wants to say thank you for being the one who helped me clean the kitchen, who helped mommy taking care of your sister and brother, and for being my biggest and beautiful princess.
Mommy want to say that mommy wants you to grew as a strong and independent woman. Mommy want you to be yourself, and make yourself happy. You have to be the big girl and take care of your brother and sister.
Mommy want you to be the toughest girl Mommy's ever met. I know you will. Promise mommy one thing, I want you to hold your father's hand to soothe him for me in the mean time. I want you to always be by his side when he's at his worst, tell him that mommy wants him to be happy, that mommy wants none of us grieve her for too long because mommy's now in a better place. He'll need you, and you are his princess, and you will always be his and my tough little princess.

I love you, my princess.

Malcolm, my little prince. I want you to know that I love you, and that I'm proud of you. I will missed you and your little sword. My little prince, I want you to be a tough little boy who'll take care of his sisters. I want you to stand up for them, to be the one who protects them from the bad guys, to be the one who always be by their side everytime their sad.
Mummy wants to say thankyou for being my prince who had always protect me with your sword, who always be there to taste my cookie dough, and mummy wants to say thank you for being my prince and trust me, Mummy wants it no other way.
Malcolm, I want you to hold your sisters and father's hands so our family could still be as tough as you are. I know you will be the best brother and the toughest boy I'll ever met.

Remember, mummy loves you and you'll always be my little prince, forever and ever.

Jade, my little beautiful princess. I know you know that I love you with all my heart. I know you'll love me too forever and ever. Mum wished the best for you, and mummy wish you could be as happy as your sister and brother even if mummy wasn't there by yourside.
Jade, since you are my little princess, I want you to look up to your sister and brother. Both of them are tough and strong and I want you to follow their path.
My little princess, I want you to promise me one thing : I want you to be always daddy's little girl. He'll need your help later to stand up tall again, and I want you to be always by herside, just like your sister. I want you two to be the strongest and toughest princesses thatever existed. I also want you to take this journal, so you can know a little more about life and how it goes, and I hope this journal would be useful.
Mummy wants to thank you for your drawings you gave me, for being a really good support this whole time, and for being mummy's little princess.

Mummy will always missed your drawings and sketches, especially you my little princess.Mummy loves you forever and ever.

As for my King,
Daniel, I want you to know that I've loved you for years and I always will. I'll love you until the day, the minute I died, and I will love you if there's another life after death. I hope the best for you, I hope you'll meet someone new to help you stand up again, to help you go through everything life put infront of you. I hope that you can raise our child like we had before. I know you can go through this because I will always by your side, and I'll never leave you.
Thank you for being the best father for our child and the best husband for your wife and to be my nobody forever and always.
I love you, forever and ever. I'll always be your queen and you'll always be my King in this life and any other lives we'll live.

I love you all with all my heart and soul. Remember I'm not going anywhere, because I'll always there by your heart.

Veronica F. Joanne King,
Daniel's Queen forever and ever.




I want to thank you so much for the readers, the voters and the commenters on this book or outside, including my friends, hello there :)

I want to say my biggest thank you to my bestfriends LouJacks, explainstrap, and sneakinout for being my friend and supporter even though sometimes we diss eachothers book as a joke.
I don't know how you guys keep up with me, but surprisingly you did. Luv a all. I dedicated this book to the three of you, but since I can't do that so I dedicated this book for explainstrap.

p.s. I hope you guys don't change your username, cause I know you guys change them alot.

I want to say thank you to my cousin-that wants to be remain anonymous-who voted and read the book, I don't know if you did read the book but I don't care, since you're a great support. And also I'm glad you didn't tell my mother about me writing this. AND PLEASE KEEP IT SHUT.

Okay, I want to say that writing this book is one hell of a journey, since I need to finish it before TheWattys2015 started. Even if I didn't win, it's a nice experience to write with a deadline and enter a competition at once. So, thank you Wattpad for giving me such experience.

I was thinking about making a one-shot, I don't know in a separate book or just a new chapter in this book about how Jade and Aiden's life afterwards, maybe even sequel but I don't know. Even if I want to make one of the above, I need to finish the other books first.

So, Anyway thank you guys for reading and I hope you like it.

Be sure to comment down below on what do you think about this book, and should I make the continuity of this book or not?

And if you like this book and want to read more stories from me, you can check out my other books.

And again thank you for reading, and have an amazing, terrific and marvelous day :)!

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