Two : Sketch Book, Doodles, and Kisses

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Chapter Two

"Aiden!" I shouted throughout the hallway. Finally I could go back up and kill his ass. I saw him holding my bag casually while playing with his phone.

"You freaking twat ! Give me back my bag !" I shouted. He looked up and smirked at me.

"Ah, Nobody. How are you doing ? by the way Happy New Year !" he said sarcastically. I reached out for my bag, but he's holding it tightly.

"Just please, give me back my goddamn bag and voilà, we won't see each other again," I offered. He looked at me in the eyes before rejecting my offer. I groaned.

"Please ! I want to go home and sleep !" he chuckled.

"You can have this and go home to have some sleep," he said motioning my bags in his hands. "If, you're willing to have a drink and chat with me at a cafe nearby," he said. I sighed, contemplating wether take his offer or just forget about my bag.

"Just agree with me taking you out, it's that easy," he continued.

I almost chose not to give a damn about it, but I have my sketch book inside that bag, so there's no way I'm giving the bag away.

"Really ? You're not giving up ?" he shook his head with a smirk. I gave him my best puppy eyes, but he didn't really care about it, so I sighed and gave in.

"Fine, you win. Just hurry up," I gave in. His smiled at me, before handing me my bags. I almost grab it, but he slung it onto his shoulder.

"You coming ?" he said holding his hand out. I swat his hand away and frowned.

"Hey, be happy. It's new year's eve !" he chimed, spinning around before grabbing a random party hat on the floor. I didn't bother to smile even though it looked cute as hell.

The elevator dinged and some not-so-sober people came out. There are like two guys and a girl dressed in all black. It looks like they're from that part of the town.

"Ah, Reine ! Happy New Year !" one of the people greeted Aiden with a bro hug. I stepped aside, giving them some space.

"Hey man, Happy New Year," Aiden greeted. One of the guy gave him another bro hug, and the girl gave him a bro-handshake.

"Have fun !" they shouted before going towards Aletta's apartment. I raised my brow, I've never thought that Aletta hung out with that kind of people.

We went inside the elevator, and he pressed the ground floor button. He tried to speak with me, but I ignore him completely. He even tried to step infront of me to talk to me, but I gave him the silence treatment. Eventually, he stopped talking and we fell into silence. We finally arrived at the lobby, and we went outside the building. He cursed, before handing me my bag.

"Here, your bag. I'm sorry I blackmailed you and everything," he said in a cold tone. I took my bag from him. He looked like he's annoyed at infuriated while here I am feeling a little bit of guilt inside me. I tried to convince myself that it was okay, that he started all of this.

"Sorry if I bother you all this time, Nobody" he said before staring at me blankly. He patted my shoulder before turning right. I was about to turned left, towards Fremont St, so I can go back home with the subway. But I felt a pang of guilt and all of that. After a few moments of debating with my own mind, I turned around.

He's about to cross the street, and I rushed towards him. He's already crossing the street, and quickly I shot my hand out and crossed the street quickly. Some cars are honking at me, but I just ignore them.

"Okay, I'm sorry for being such a bitch," I stepped infront of him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Jade, my name is Jade. Jade King," I told him, helding my hand out to shake his hand. He's ignoring my hand for a moment, before eventually smirked at me. He shook my hand.

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