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"Whoa" Evy breathed coming through the Gate on the other side. She leaned heavily on Sam.

"You okay, kid?" Jacob asked, turning around to look at her. Evy shivered.

"I've been better." Her teeth chattered. "Why am I so cold?"

"It's a common side effect for people just getting used to Gate travel." Sam said carefully leading her down the short stone steps to firm earth. "It'll get better the more you do it."

"Good to know." Evy muttered, she felt weak and tired.

"How are you feeling?" Daniel asked looking at Evy.

"I'd be lying if I said I was feeling 100%" Evy whispered.

"Come on lets go." Jacob said leading them to the rings.

Evy was still shaking, but it wasn't from cold. No, it was from fear. The closer she got to this new life the more afraid she was of it.

"It'll be alright," Sam whispered. "I went through this was hard at first there are a lot things to get used to. You're sharing your memories, your can be kind of confusing." She smiled at Evy. "But you'll be dad will watch out for you."

"Thanks." Evy stumbled a bit, everyone was right there. "I'm fine..a little space please?" She felt like she was walking to her own funeral.

"Selmak, it is good that you have returned." A deep almost vibrating voice said as a tall man walked quickly up to Jacob. "Alasia she can not last much you have a host?" He leaned close whispering what he thought only Jacob would hear.

"Yeah. You've got a host" Evelyn managed to choke out, her knees gave way. Jack and Sam where there before she hit the ground.

The man looked up. "And who are you?"

Ned stepped forward, "She's my daughter...she's sick, very sick but she's willing to try and serve as a host to Alasia."

"You'd better hurry. She looks near death...and Alasia is no better."

"I-I can't walk any further." Evy gasped.

"I've got her" Jack grunted swinging her up into his arms. "Let's just get going."

They hurried to follow Jacob and the tall one. "Here, let me see her," the tall one said holding out his arms, "I'll go down right now and get her can follow. But this has to be done as soon as possible."

"Of course," Daniel said, "Jack?" he turned to look at him, giving a look that clearly said "hand-over-the-girl-this-is-no-time-to-be-pig-headed"

"Sure," Jack muttered sarcastically handing Evelyn over to him. She looked up, his brown eyes were staring down at her, there was something of a warmth to them, but it immiediatly disappeared as though someone had poured water over it.

The rings came up around her, she flinched. The man's arms tightened a bit. "My names Malek, my host's name is Devlin."

"Nice to know you have a name," Evy breathed, her eyelids fluttered. Death was coming to claim her...there wasn't much time.


Malek looked down at the girl, her eyes were closing slowly. He turned to look at Selmak, "GO. I'll lead the others." And Malek rushed off. He could feel the thoughts of his host -they weren't...exactly the best thoughts to be having in this life or death situation but none the less he was right-

"She's pretty." He could feel Devlin's thought.

"Not the time," Malek whispered under his breath.

"What?" The girl stirred slightly and eyes that seemed to large for her face opened slightly.

"Nothing." He arrived at the entrance to the chamber.

"Lay her on the bed. Quickly!" A tall dark haired woman commanded. "There is very little time."

"Yes Garshaw," Malek said laying Evy down carefully on the bed. Something about her stirred him...deeply.

Just then Ned, Jacob and SG1 came rushing in. "We do not have time for good-byes." Garshaw muttered harshly, "it must be done now if we want it to succede."

Ned walked forward, he laid a hand on Evy's forehead his eyes full of tears, he bent down. "I love you Evy."

"" Evy's voice came in feathery whispers.

"Let's go. It'll be over soon." Jacob led them all out. Malek stayed, he gently turned Evy on her side while Garshaw did the same for Meira, Alasia's dying host.

Garshaw placed her hand calmly on Evy's arm, "lean forward, open your mouth, and close your eyes." Malek watched Evy obey, he closed his eyes. He heard the sound that he knew was Alasia transferring over to Evy. "It is done." Garshaw said.

Malek opened his eyes, Meira lay on her back. Her eyes closed as though in sleep. And and he saw Evy, pale and still as death but still the flutter of a pulse breathed beneath her skin.

It might have worked...but they couldn't know for sure.

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