The Gate

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Evelyn was managing to just barely sit up by leaning on her fathers shoulder. The car wound its way to the SGC. "So, kid" Jacob started, "I don't think you knew what you were signing onto exactly."

Evelyn looked up a bit, "Wh-what do you mean?" she asked as she started coughing, her mom rubbed her back.

Jacob bowed his head. "Perhaps it's better if we both clear it up." Selmak's deep voice responded.

Evelyn looked at her dad. "It's alright," Selmak replied. "We're going to explain."

"We're?" Evy questioned her eyes circling to everybody in the vehicle.

"Yeah, it's kind of a long story." Daniel muttered.

"No, not really." Jack said turning to look at him. "She's gets a snake, she gets better and then she helps the Tok'ra fight the Gou'ald and everybodies happy."

"Sir," Carter reprimanded. "That's not all that there is and you know it."

Jack rolled his eyes. "I'm confused," Evy started. "What the hell is going on?"

"Watch it young lady" Ned scolded.

"I'm part of a race called the Tok'ra," Selmak started and he continued to explain, when he had finished he lowered his head. "There now you know," Jacob said quietly.

"I see," Evy whispered. "Thanks...I think."

They pulled into the SGC, "There's a wheel-chair." Daniel said.

"I'll walk."

"Honey," Sarah Shanon pleaded.

"Mom, relax." Evy turned to her dad, "Help?" He nodded and they made their way into the complex.


After being checked out by Dr. Fraiser and changing out of her hospital clothes they made their way to the Gate room. "Bye Honey," Sarah, whispered, kissing Evy on the head.

"Bye Mom," Evelyn choked out she gave her a quick hug, "tell Belle I'll see her again really soon."

"I will." Then Sarah walked out. Ned continued to support Evelyn, the rest of his team wasn't going, just SG1, Jacob and himself.

"Alright, let's go!" Jack hollered turning around to look up at the woman behind the computer. She started the dialing sequence.

"Chevron 7 locked" the woman announced through a mic, then what appeared to be a blue wave leapt from the Stargate.

"Whoa" Evy murmured. She started walking towards the gate. One arm wrapped around Ned's shoulder and the other wrapped around Sam.

"Ready?" Sam asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Evy breathed and she walked through.

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