The Choice

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Ned rushed into the hospital room. Several doctors and nurses surrounded his daughter, Nick Bennett hung to the back of the room his hands were fisted at his sides and his jaw was clenched. Ned walked over to him, "What happened?" he asked. Still breathing heavely from his rush up the stairs.

"Sh-she just...blacked out." He said, he had tears in his eyes and there was worry in his voice.

Ned turned to Jacob, "Will, it still work?" he asked, if his daughter had gotten weaker and Alasia was already weak. Then the blending might not work.

Jacob nodded, "But we have to hurry...she's not in good shape."

"What are you talking about?" Nick asked looking back from Jacob to Ned. "I want to come with."

"Yeah, I'm afraid that's not possible." Jack said from where he and the rest of SG1 were waiting, ocassionally moving out of the way for a nurse.

Nick turned to stare at him. "Why not? I've known Eves almost her whole life and I've watched this cancer destroy her...if you're going to help her...I want to be there."

"I'm sorry, but that's just not possible." Daniel said. Nick groaned in frustration and walked out into the hall.

"Carter." Jack said turning to look at Sam who was staring at Evelyn with a strange expression on her face, "Go tell these people that we're taking this girl out of"

"Yes, sir." she said rushing out.

"Shanon, you go find your wife so we can explain this to her...she may want to come."

Ned nodded and ran out after Sam.

"I'm gonna go see if I can talk to that kid..." Daniel muttered walking slowly out of the room.

"What do you think, Jacob?" O'Neill said as he walked over to look at Evelyn. The doctors had managed to stabalize her condition. But no one knew for how long.

"It's gonna be cutting it close." Jacob said, "She's pretty weak...but something tells me she's a fighter...and so is Alasia of course. I think they'll both survive." Jacob walked over and sat in the chair next to Evelyn. Her eyes fluttered open.

"W-who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Jacob Carter...and I've got a very difficult question for you." He said still sitting beside her.

"Look, sir," Evelyn whispered. "If you can keep me alive...I'm willing to do anything...I don't care how stupid it is...or if it will kill me in the process...Because I'm pretty much dead anyways."

Jacob turned to look at Jack, "I think we have our answer."

Just then everyone else rushed back in, accompanied by Dr. Shanon (she was a Pediatric doctor at the hospital). Daniel had Nick with him. "What's he still doin' here?" Jack asked pointing to Nick.


"I'm just saying good-bye." Nick said cutting Daniel off. "Jackson explained that I'd probably never see Evelyn again...or at least....not as much as I'm used to."

"Oh." Jack said.

"By all means." Jacob said, taking over. "But make it quick."

"Can we have a minute alone?" Nick asked.

"Sure, kid. Let's make sure everythings in order alright?" Jacob said as he led everyone else out of the room.

"So..." Nick said as he walked over the rest of the way to were Evelyn was attempting to sit up. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up gently.

"I guess this is good-bye." Evelyn murmered.

"No," Nick shook his head. "Never good-bye....just, until we meet again."

Evelyn nodded, "Until then," she whispered.

Nick bent down, "I'll miss you Eves" he whispered before he kissed her gently on the chek. He drew back and helped her stand on her slippered feet. "Don't you dare forget about me. Okay?" And then he led her to the door where everyone else were waiting to take her through the wormhole.

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