Twenty: Your Mom

Começar do início

"Oi!" He exclaims, rubbing the back of his head. "Your mother is probably downstairs, dumb ass." I hiss. "She's not here," Jake replies, sounding amused.

"So we're all alone?" I ask, trying not to sound overjoyed. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like Jake.

Wait. I like Jake?

I guess I do.

"Why? Is there anything you wanted to do?" Jake asks, smirking as he grabs onto my wrist again and pulls me to him, planting his hands on my waist. "Not with you," I retort, rolling my eyes at him. He holds his chest in mock hurt and says, "Ouch. That stung, Gorgeous." "I hope so," I huff in return, extricating myself from his grasp.


"So are you going to tell me?" I ask wryly, raising an eyebrow. "About what?" Jake asks innocently in return.

"Fine. I'm going home, then," I snap, making to get up. "Fine. See if I care." Jake retorts stubbornly. "Fine!" I exclaim, stomping out and slamming the door loudly.

I'm about two blocks away from Jake's house when I hear someone behind me. I wonder who THAT could be?

I roll my eyes and turn around, about to tell Jake piss off, when I see that it isn't Jake.

It's Leo.

He waggles his fingers in a mock wave and my breath hitches in my throat. On instinct, I bolt past him in a wide arc so he can't grab me, heading for the only person who can keep me safe.


I hear Leo crashing along the street behind me, struggling to catch up. I take longer strides, willing my feet to go faster.

Just a little more.

I'm a few paces away from Jake's house when Leo grabs me and slaps his hand over my mouth, muffling my scream.

"Let go of me! FUCK YOU!" I spit, struggling with all my strength once he's let go if my mouth.

"Say another word, Princess," Leo replies, un-sheathing his knife and slowly bringing it up to my throat. "I'd love to make you bleed..." He hisses into my ear, biting and tugging on my earlobe painfully.

"You're pathetic," I growl, still struggling. "Let GO!" I scream as loud as I can. "JACOB!"

He doesn't come. What did I expect? Either he doesn't hear me or doesn't care. He's probably more worried about saving his own skin.

I let out a sob, still struggling futilely.

Leo laughs, digging the knife in deeper.

"Get the fuck off of her," a new voice says quietly. So quietly that I'm surprised we both even hear it. But we do.

Both my and Leo's heads shoot up to see Jake, standing about a foot away from us, furious.

It almost scares me to see him this angry. His eyes are ablaze and his jaw is clenched in anger. There is a cold ruthlessness to him that terrifies me.

I should hope never to see him look at me like that.

In no less than three strides, Jake is face to face with Leo, fist raised and poised to hit.

"Don't," Leo says almost nervously, removing the knife from my throat and pointing it threateningly at Jake, instead.

Jake's eyes flicker to mine for a split second, and he gives me the tiniest, most indistinguishable nod.

I know what to do.

I duck immediately, hearing the resonating crack of Jake's fist against Leo's face.

Leo cries out, dropping his knife onto the pavement and falling to his knees, broken nose bleeding profusely.

Quick as a flash, Jake scoops up the knife and leaps onto Leo, pinning him to the ground, holding the knife against his side.

"Go on, then." Leo spits, glaring at Jake. Jake sneers and chucks the knife away into the bushes, grabbing Leo's shirt collar and hauling him up.

With another brutal punch, Leo crumples onto the pavement, groaning pathetically.

"Come on," Jake mutters, grabbing my wrist and making a beeline for the front door.


Are you guys ready for Jake's secret? ;) well you'll all just have to wait for the next chapter! Haha. (Or maybe the next few ones after that, MWAHAHAHAHA.)

Please, please, please:




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-Sofi :*

I'm Bad.  You're Worse.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora