Heart Made of Glass, Mind Made of Stone (Tech x Echo - Eventually)

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“He Died! Because of you! Don't you care!!!! We lost Tech! Because of you!!!” 

Echo's shout turned all attention to the body of the ship that hosted not only Hunter who held Omega close to his chest but Wrecker, Rex and none other than Crosshair who was in status cuffs beside a not so happy Nala Se, both of them sharing looks, since they were deemed ‘prisoners’’.

“I didn't ask for any of you to come after me. I sent you a warning!” Crosshair snarled back, his words cold and blunt. Echo moved forward to hit the twin of the man whom he loved. When another spoke up. 

“CT-9904, do not antagonise the enemy any longer” Nala ordered, Crosshair slumped looking to the side. 

“Hang on a minute, we aren't the enemy. We just saved you both” Rex exclaimed, sharing a look with the silent Hunter, the sergeant watching with concern in his eyes. 

“CT-9904, do you want to tell them or me?” Nala looked at the one who had become a son to her. Crosshair barely blinked, “Maybe it might be best to show them instead,” Nala added. Crosshair smirked, confusing them all until his status cuffs suddenly came off. Without warning he dived for Echo, knocking him off his feet, Rex froze going to grab Echo when he found himself unconscious. 

“Wrecker! Seize Crosshair!” 

Hearing Hunter's order, Wrecker moved to grab the sniper who had knocked both Rex and Echo out without even a weapon. The demolition expert grabbed Crosshair who flipped his body and pressed the pressure points to the giant making him fall to his sleep. 

Hunter froze ready to hand to hand to the next level while Omega hid behind his leg. 

“Stand down CT-9904. I will take it from here” Nala spoke up, Crosshair barely nodded before he accepted the handcuffs back on. Hunter watched with careful eyes until he saw Crosshairs eyes flash green, this wasn't his brother. This was…

“It would seem you have worked out that this isn't CT-9904. No, he is within a secret lab where CT-9903 is. Now I'd suggest listening to me otherwise you will wake without Omega by your side again” Nala said, removing her status cuffs. 

“Why should I trust you?” Hunter asked, Nala smiled, removing the cloak piece from the back of the lookalike's neck which was like a skin until it revealed a regular clone with the bare ‘5’ on the side of his head. Hunter knew exactly who this was as Nala spoke, “Here is my evidence of trust” Hunter barely nodded in acknowledgement before Nala and Fives took control of the ship leaving Hunter to try and wake the others. 

“I'd suggest leaving them to wake on their own. They should wake up when we arrive at my lab. Which will be in four hours” Nala spoke, removing Fives vodocoder and status cuffs allowing the clone to speak but he was stuck in ‘order mode’ until they arrived at the lab. 

Four hours later… 

Rex was not happy he wore an indescribable expression as he sat in what looked like a cell with those who were onboard the ship. He held tightly to a clone in his arms, Fives, who he had watched die. But it turns out fate liked to play tricks on them as Nala had saved his life and imprisoned him, treating him like a droid, like a weapon. 

Around the cell was Hunter who had Omega in his lap while Wrecker remained close to them. Echo was on Fives other side holding his twin who had sobbed out all his feelings an hour ago and was now back to feeling a bit more human again. His orders were gone. 

Outside the cell was Nala Se who was conducting research and wearing an evil smile on her face. Beside her was a bacta tube holding Tech, the engineer, the batch thought they had lost for good. 

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