We got up from my bed and went outside. "Something smells good." I said sniffing the air. Alyssa pointed at the figure in the kitchen, Zach was making waffles.

"Am I getting any?" I asked leaning unto the counter. He stuffed a waffle in his mouth and I could see the stupid smirk on his face even when his mouth was full, my intent was to wipe it off. I cocked my head to the side and smiled slyly before licking my lips and then biting my bottom lip. He swallowed the waffle and I saw the huge gulp he made, I like teasing him. He smirked, "well that was sexy.".

I stuck my tongue out at him," I'll have two with extra syrup please." I said before walking into the living room and turning up the radio. The DJ announced that the next song was going to be 'Come and Get It' by Selena Gomez, my favorite actress/singer since I was 5, 'Wizards of Waverly Place' was my show.

Sky, Lissa and I made up choreography to the song when I was around 14 years old and I can never forget it. I nudged Lissa and she nudged Sky. I turned up the volume to the max and the song started just in time. Was it just me or was it getting hot in here, I was dancing and I started to sweat so I took off my jersey while dancing cause I had on a vest underneath it. Apparently taking off my jersey happened a little more sexier than it should have been because Zach stopped paying attention to the waffles and I swear I could see invisible drool. Man, I love teasing him.

I was laughing at him in my head when I heard, "ouch, fuck!". Zach's hand touched the waffle iron and it was blood red. "Are you ok?" I asked walking up to him, trying to hold in my laugh. "Yeah." he said putting his hand under the cold tap water. Just then Austin came outside.

Alyssa, Skylar and I folded our arms in unison. Skylar stepped up and gave him slap on his face, "that's for Lily.". Then Alyssa stepped up and hit him harder,"that's for Lily." Then I stepped up and hit him the hardest, twice, "that's for me.", then I hit him on the other side,"that's for Skylar.". We all stepped away and folded our arms again, waiting for an explanation. "I deserved all of that." he said rubbing his face, "Lily I'm so sorry this is like the 50th time I'm apologizing to you, ask Zach.". From the kitchen Zach shouted," don't bring me into this.".

"I love you Lily, as a best friend and as more than that but I can't only say that,I can't hide my feelings and I can never call you mine because you have a boyfriend." he said motioning his head towards Zach. I laughed and he gave me a confused look.

"Why does everyone think we're dating?" I asked myself giggling."You guys are not a couple?" Austin asked. "No, we are not, I like Logan, his brother." I said looking at everyone, even Zach who was staring at me. "You mean the guy you keep bumping into." Alyssa said. "Yeah." I whispered, "we kinda kissed.". I started to blush and Alyssa's eyes started to light up. "OMG Lily your first kiss!" she yelled.

Way to go captain obvious, I'm pretty sure Zach heard her and the whole point of me whispering was for him not to hear, sigh. "Whatever," I said looking at Zach who was ignoring the conversation and still running cold water on his hand," it's wasn't really my first kiss.". I walked over to Zach and asked, "are you ok Zach?".

I took his hand out from under the water and and dried it with a paper towel. I grabbed piece of ice from the freezer and sat on the table with him. I bent over and iced his red palm. I looked at him and noticed he was looking at me, but not at eye level. I was still wearing my vest. "Dude!" I yelled. He smirked, "can you blame me for being a guy.".

Hey guys, I know it'd been forever since I updated and I really missed doing it. It's summer vacation and I have good news and bad news. I have a whole lot of chapters to upload, they're written already that's the good news, the bad news is that since I'm not suppose to be on Wattpad and I'm spending Summer with my mom I might not be able to update.

If I get a summer job I won't have to go by my mom and I'll be able to update so let's hope for the best. Well this chapter is kinda longish. This is where stuff starts to get interesting, the drama and stuff. I hope you'll enjoyed it and I'll try to update asap. I also want to say that if you got a heart attack by looking at the picture above I don't blame you because it's Logan fricken Lerman. Sexy as f*ck. Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I always pictured him being Zach, idk why, I just did.

So I'm reading the Percy Jackson series two and I really just want to be with that book right now but I owe it to my fans to update so I put down the book for two hours. I left Leo Valdez and Percy Jackson alone for TWO WHOLE HOURS. As much as I love you guys I love Leo and Percy more, even if they're fictional book characters. Nah just kidding I love my readers for all the support they give me to continue writing my book. So I have a book to read and one to write. Love you guys. Mwah! Byezzzzzz.

If you love my personality and my book please comment, vote and follow me. Also if u have any suggestions for books for me to read just comment and tell me. If you're a new writer and want to talk to someone about your book or get some feedback just message me. I'm a really nice girl, I don't bite, unless you bite me first or hold my arms and feet down XD. Vote, Comment, Follow, Love you guys, Mwah byezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Lily out. -Lily-

The Life of a Juilliard Dancer Book #1Where stories live. Discover now