Chapter 28

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                                    Belly POV

When me and Kendall got to Taylor who walked on the pair and sat down on the sit, facing the ocean.

I sat down next to her, and Kendall sat on the other side.

"I'm not in the mood for conversation." Taylor said, still facing the ocean.

"Just because I told Steven that I'll talk to you, doesn't mean I'm going to talk and something that obviously makes you uncomfortable." I said to her in a soft voice. "So whenever you're ready to talk, just let us know."

We sat in silence for a minute. Before Taylor spoke again. "I already know what I was going to do before I came here."

                                Conrad POV

Steven was staring at the girls like a hawk, but I can see the wheels in his head turning.

In fact, me and Jere can both see the wheels in his head turning.

We are standing by the pool watching our girls, with my boy in hand.

"Guys I made a f***ing mistake." Steven said as he continued watching the girls.

"Hey language around my son." I warned. Hours when Belly left the bed, I instantly wake up and so did our boy.

But I also knew why she did it, I love the slow mornings where I just spend time in bed with our son.

But I also love the slow mornings where we all in bed as a family.

We saw the girls talked for a minute, we then saw them getting up and hugging each other.

Then we saw them walking towards the house. We run to a pool seat and waiting for them.

When they got here, they looked like they have been crying, we instantly got up.

"Is everything okay?" I asked looking at Belly who nodded and came towards me. I instantly put my arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"I'll tell you later." She whispered in my ear.

"Do you want to go get good muffins." I said.

"I would love that." She said, as Kendall and Jere went to get ready to surfing, as we turned to leave we heard Taylor say.

"So I guess we have to talk huh," and we heard Steven answered. "Yeah, we do."

When we got there, we sat on the picnic table. I drank my coffee while Belly drank sweet tea. While our son drank sweet tea too.

"So how's our baby doing?" I asked Belly as tear apart a piece of one of the good muffin.

"The baby is fine Conrad, I just started getting weird food carvings." She said.

"Tell what those weird carvings are and we will go to the grocery store or food stands to get them for you and our little one." I said, looking at her.

"Little one?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and chuckling a little.

"Well we both decided to wait to find out if it's going to be a boy or a girl, hence little one."

She chuckles, seeing his mother chuckled Garrett starts to chuckle and I couldn't help but join in with my family.

                                     Steven POV

(I can only can think of Steven Point of View, so sorry)

I stare at Taylor after I confessed how much I love her, and that I would never hurt her again, and if she needs time then I would give her time and be there for her. We even talked about when she suck my d*** in the hospital.

She finally talked, her voice soft yet firm. "I appreciate that Steven, but like I told Belly every time I think I'm forgiving you... I remember the night you dumped me and I don't ever want to feel that pain again."

"Then let me make it up to you." I said, because f*** I love and I will never walked from her again. "Just tell me what I need to do."

"Looked after Elle while I stayed in Pairs." Taylor said, then she walks inside, I follow her stairs.

What the hell did she just say?

"What the hell do you just say? Paris? You're going to pairs? For how long?" I asked.

"I'm going to be living there for 16 years, I'm opening up my boutique over there and I need to be there for it." Taylor said, and I stare at her. "Don't worry I'll still see my daughter and have her every summer and weekend except on school days and even other holidays. Here is the paper work that my lawyer worked on, looked at it and signed."

She said as she handed the folder over to me and I quickly went through it.

"But I'm also going there to think about the possibility of me and you, and forgive you for how it ended between us."

I stare at her. "And that requires staying in f***ing Paris for 16 years?"

She shrugged and said. "I'm not has forgiven as Belly, but no I require six the others are for business. And I need to think of your just in it because of the chase or in it for me." She paused for a minute before saying. "The formula and breast milk is in the fridge. I have to go now."

She then walks away from me, I can hear her say goodbye to Elle, Belly and everyone before leaving.

It only takes Belly to slap my head to tell that Taylor flight is going to be leaving any minute now.

Yep that's how long I have been staring in shock for, so I rush to the airport.

Only to find I'm too late because when I enter the airport I saw a airplane with a French flag on the side of it, Belly told me that's Taylor's flight flying in the direction of pairs, so I asked if one of them knew if Taylor Jewels is on that plane that just flew by, and they said Miss. Jewels checked in ages ago and she's already on the flight.

So I went to the summer houses and looked at my daughter, who will be 17 when her mother comes home, how s*** is that. Who is a sleep right now.

I signed the papers and when Taylor lawyer I handed him the papers.


I have to asked you all something, when I get done with Descendants before the year before the showing.

Either Taylor and Steven love story or Jeremiah and Kendall love story.

If you want Taylor and Steven, just put  💎 and 🧑🏻‍⚖️, but if you want Kendall and Jeremiah just put🦮 and 🐕‍🦺

The summer we got back together Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora