Chapter 26

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                                    Belly POV

I  watch the doctor putting ice on Conrad hand. I didn't know when he come to the hospital that the blood that was on was Mason's.

But what got him down, was Steven accident punching him in the face. And that was two weeks ago.

"Okay so keep that ice on that fist for twenty four hours and it will be good as new." Conrad's old resident mentor, who he used to be an intern. Doctor Madeline Blake-Bailey. But they call her Doctor BB.

"Thanks doctor BB." Conrad said.

"Don't mention it, but take care of that baby boy of yours and take care of your wife." Doctor BB said placing a hand lightly on my shoulder.

"I will." Conrad said.

Doctor BB put her hand off of my shoulder and walk to the door saying. "I'll check on your brothers before their fiancé and girlfriend tried not to rip their d***s off with how much that I walked in on them when they both were naked and in the shower and they were practically sucking them off."

"Thank you Doctor BB." I said a little  stun at the fact that she just called Taylor, Steven girlfriend and that they you know...

Okay I definitely need to search if they is a pill named bleach brain is a thing and if it's safe to take while pregnant.

"Okay,three things: one: did she just called Taylor Steven's girlfriend?" Conrad asked.

"Yep, I heard it too." I said.

"Two: Did she that Kendall and Taylor are sucking Jeremiah and Steven's" Conrad said. And even though we are both adults, it's still makes me sick to my stomach to even imagine that.

"Unfortunately she did." I said, at least Taylor is probably going to let him in, or maybe she is. I wait for Conrad to finish, but he doesn't he just stares with love in his eyes. "What's the third thing?"

"I honestly don't remember." He said, still looking at me with so much love, knowing that he still is kinda of the person that still likes to keep his feelings inside, I gave him a look. To which he chuckled. "I'm seriously don't remember."

His gaze drips down to my stomach.

"Is... is the baby still...?" Conrad asked.

"Still inside of me." I finished, he nodded. "Yes, the baby still inside of me, there was no bleeding."

"Thank god," Conrad said softly, he got up and walked to me, when he got to me, he bend down to my level, I press on the ice pack tight on his fist so that he put his hand on my stomach. "For a minute they I thought.."

"I'm okay, and so is the baby, I have been taking deep breaths, just like you said." I said to him.

Conrad smiled and then we kissed.

Then we heard my mom voice. "Ohh, looks like we interrupt mommy and daddy."

We pulled apart, to see my mom standing in the now opened door, with Garrett in her arms. Garrett looks excited to see it.

"Oh, he could never interrupt us." I said.

"Well when we have sex." Conrad muttered, and I lightly punched him in his arm, both we both know he was kidding, only half.

We both got up, Laurel handed over Garrett to us. Since the only injury that Conrad has is bruises on his fists. But Jeremiah and Steven not so lucky.

"Would you let us know if they going to be okay?" I asked my mom.

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