Chapter 15

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Belly POV

Dearest Belly.

Right now I am picturing you today, on your wedding day, looking radiant and lovely, the prettiest bride there ever was. I picture you about thirty or so, a woman who's had lots and lots of adventures and romances. I picture you marrying a man who is solid and steady and strong, a man with kind eyes. I am sure your young man is completely wonderful, even if he doesn't have the last name Fisher! Ha.

You know that I could not love you more if you were my own daughter. My Belly, my special girl. Watching you grow up was one of the great joy of my life.

My girl who ached and yearned for so many things... a kitten you could name Margret, rainbow roller skates, edible bubble bath! A boy who would kiss you like Rhett kissed Scarlet . I hope you've found him, darling.

Be happy. Be good to each other.

All of my love always. Susannah.

Oh Susannah. If you could see us now.

You were wrong about a couple of things. I'm not thirty yet. I'm twenty-three, almost twenty-four. After Jeremiah and I broke up, he went back to live in the fraternity house, and I ended up living with Anika and Taylor in an apartment building. Junior year, I studied abroad. I went to Spain, where I did have  lots and lots of adventures.

Spain is where I got my first letter from him. Real letters, written by his hand, not emails. I didn't write back, not at first, but they still came, once a month, every month. The first I saw him again, it was another year, at my college graduation. And I just knew.

My young man is kind and good and strong,just like you said. But he doesn't kiss me like Rhett kisses Scarlett. He kisses me even better. And there was one thing you were right about. He does have the last name Fisher.

"You ready Bean...?" My dad said as he came in, he stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

I'm in the white dress that my mother and I picked.

I don't have a lot a makeup on, just a little but I still looked like me.

"Dad are you okay?" I asked my dad as he has not said anything and he has tears in his eyes.

He nodded, the tears streaming down from his face, he quickly wipe the tears away. Before saying. "Yeah, it's just.... Bean you look beautiful."

"Thanks dad."

That's when my mom and Steven come in, they both have tears in their eyes. Well mom mostly.

"Well you clean up nice Bells." Steven said as he came to hug me.

"Geez thanks." I said as I heard the teasing in his voice.

"Connie is getting antsy because he cannot see you." My mother said as she came further into the room.

My bridesmaids: Taylor, Anika, Kendall and some of my friends from Spain are sitting in their ocean blue and green bridesmaids dresses and pearls headbands.

Some of them are on the couch while others are replying their lipstick after eating fruit or drinking water.

"When god forbid Conrad gets antsy on his wedding day." One of my maid of honor Anika, the other is Taylor of course.

"And who exactly holding him back so he doesn't see Belly before the wedding?"ask Kendall, me and her actually get along really great, I mean come on she is great for Jere and I am so so happy for them. Jere deserves it.

The summer we got back together Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora