Chapter 14

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                               Conrad POV

On the dive to cousins, I keep rehearsing in my head about how do ask her how to marry me, or what I would say.

The thing is... I didn't get my mother ring from my dad, my mom left it in her will for me.

She also left the summer house to us summer kids when we get married.

For the reason I didn't asked my dad for obvious reasons, is because he doesn't like the fact that me and Belly are dating.

I know that because he told me when we were alone about how she hurt Jere and 'ruined him' he has always hated the fact that Jere is Bi for some reason but he hided it well. And that she is going to ruined me too.

But I reminded him everything his done and that he married the same woman he cheated on mom with when she was going through comeo and that I am an adult, he has no say in my life.

That when Jeremy come in and say that he also has no say in his life either.. and that Belly didn't ruined him, he ruined his life.

That shut him up real good since me or Jere haven't heard or see him since July 4th.

When we got there I told Belly that give me ten minutes because I want to saw her something, I just have to find it first. She looked really excited to.

But in reality, I was planning the proposal when it hit me.

I knew exactly what type of proposal that Belly actually loved.
                                       Belly POV

Conrad texted me ten minutes later.

I waked to the down to the beach, I  doubt that Conrad will bumped because he told me if he could back in time he would replace all the bad memories with happy ones.

When I got to the beach I stop in my tracks.

Conrad had set up a fire close but far from a tent.

"What is all of this?" I asked Conrad with a chuckle, touch that he would do all of this to me.

Conrad just gave me a smile, a smile that always made me melt as he walks towards me.

He then takes my hand.

"A apology."he said, when he noticed my confusion expression, he clarifies. "For working and not spending time with you."

I shake my head, that shouldn't be something he should be apologizing for. He can't help his schedule. "Conrad, you don't have to apologize for that."

"I know I don't, I want to." Conrad said, we then kissed, it became passionate before he pulled away.

We then sat by the fire, making s'mores.

Five minutes later, I was laying my head on Conrad shoulder. His hand was on my heard, holding me close.

"The chief pulled me aside yesterday,"Conrad said after a beat.

"Yeah, what did he say?" I don't know a lot about the chief, but the Conrad talks about he is a good man.

"He said that he has a friend here." Conrad said as his fingers got gently caressed my head. "He also said his friend wanted me to work for him, and with you being here next month so of course I agreed. And before you say anything, I didn't expect the job just for you because I know you hate that when I did that."

I opened my mouth to argue but at the last minute I closed it, because it's true I really do hate it when he changes his plans for me.

Conrad adds. "He also said that when I start he would let me pick my own schedule."

That caused me to become so excited that I hugged him.

"Oh Connie I am so happy for you."

"Thank you Belly." I heard him say, I pulled away only to kiss him to show him that I'm very proud of him.

He had a smile on his handsome face.

He then sat up pulling me up with him and we walked farther down the beach.

As we were a far feet from the ocean, we stop with his back turned towards the ocean and mine to the beach.

"There is a reason I've been working so hard." He finally says.

I shook my head before saying. "Conrad you don't have too..."

He interrupted by saying. "Yes I do, as I was saying." He sighs before adding. "The reason why I was working so hard I want to give you everything you ever wanted." He looks at the ground behind me. "Looked at the ground behind you. There is something that I want you to see."

I gave him a suspicious/confused look before turning around and I gasped when I saw what was written down at my feet.

The words 'Marry me' written in the sand with a little infinity sign next to marry.

"Conrad what..?"I cut by self this time because as I turned around and gasped when I saw Conrad down on one knee, holding the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen.

Is that.... it is, it Susannah ring, well the diamond part.

"Conrad what are you doing?" I asked, feeling like I was going to cry. But this time in happy tears, not like all the tears about him.

"Belly, I loved you before I knew what the word love was." Conrad starts. "There was so many times I wanted to tell you, the summers we spent together, we I went away to college and when I came back from college. And there my mom died....look I... I thought you knew...which was stupid I know... after I lost my mom I so scared that I lose you too..See that's the irony I was so scared that I would lose you that I did. Then you were with Jere..... if there was one moment at all of the s***** moments that I would change it would be at that moment in that crappy motel." He sighs, happy tears were running down my face. "I would do anything possible to wipe away all the tears you shed and making you smile and I want to be the one to do that. Will you marry me Isabel?"

When he says my actual name I know it's serious.

"Yes, yes of course." I said with a smile on my face, that caused him to smile, he got up and kissed me, he put the ring my hand while we kissed.

In the next minute we're in the tent. Looking at each other with love in each other's eyes.

I lean in to kiss, and just like that we begin to make out.

And just like that, I lightly push Conrad on his back as we keep kissing.

I pulled away only to brew out the light next to us.

We then spent the entire night having really hot sex.

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