Chapter 4

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Conrad POV

As soon Belly and I arrived in California, we had to use the bathroom.

When we were done, I got her suitcase and mine from the luggage carts. I was staying with Laurel until her college graduation.

It was killing me to not be able to see her and not be with her and I get to see her every day. Kiss her any time I want and never get tired of it.

We went in my friend and neighbor Martin car, he let be borrow his car since my car was still there but not anymore neither will her car.

Me and Belly are driving to our apartment. God I love saying that. Our apartment.

"So who did you get drive your car all the way to California ?"I asked looking at before looking back on the road.

"Gigi."she said, "She has a photo shoot here anyway.Who did you get to drive your car?"

"Trusky." I said, driving into the neighborhood, I live in a two story house.

I pay rent with my own money, not my dad's money, mine I have been saving since I was 14.

The rent is only is $40 dollars pair resident of the house. Belly already told me that she will find a job to help out.

When we pulled up in the driveway to our apartment.

I gave her the keys to the apartment, and got her stuff out. "How about you go ahead in and I'll get your stuff."

"Are you sure?"she asked, I just gave her a smile, and then I learned in to kiss her, we both smiled as we pulled apart from each other.

"I'm sure." I said, as we both got out my friend Martin came over, he lives ten houses from me.

"Conrad my man, your finally back."he said giving me a bro hug. He then looked at Belly. "And you brought a hot chick. Hey, I'm Martin, Martin Daniel and you are?"

As he went to Belly which rub me the wrong way. She said. "Belly,"

"My girlfriend."I said. I guess Belly could tell I was jealous at the idea of Martin being so close to her.

"I'll see you inside Con, it's nice to meet you Martin."she said, she then went in and I felt like such a d*** for that.

Martin then turn to me. "Girlfriend, since when did you got yourself a girlfriend?"

"Since a couple days ago. Me and Isabel are going to be living together." I said, a smile on my face.

"Wait Isabel as in Isabel Conklin?"he asked, I talked about Belly a few times with my new friend group. Is the group of four me, Martin, Dan and Betty.

Olivia used to be a part of the group but after me and her slept together when I was drink and sad about Belly and she just broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that what happen will only that one time and I told her that I'm in love with someone else, and that I she her as a friend she transformed to a different University but last I heard she has a new boyfriend good for her.

I just nodded happily, "S*** no wonder why you and your brother wanted to married her, hell I will."

I know he was kidding but still I have to make it clear that Belly is my girl and I would end him if he tried to do exactly what Jeremiah did to her. "Look you already she's taken and your my friend , but I swear to if you try to convince her to be with you then I will end you."

"Got it loud and clear."he said then he went to his car I actually got all of her stuff out while we were talking. "I'm glad you two got back together, this the happiest you been since I've known you. You two look good together."

The summer we got back together Where stories live. Discover now