Chapter 17

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Belly POV

I must have stared at what's in front of me in shock all night long.

Even though I took three pregnancy tests and I still couldn't believe.

I mean when I was little when Susannah told me that she knew I was destin to be with one of her sons.

But by the time I was thirteen I already imagined my life after marriage. 

Three years after marriage we have a couple of kids, live near cousins where our parents and brothers will visit.

But this is a lot different for what I imagine my life will turned out.

But oddly enough, I'm excited about this, but at the same time, I don't want Conrad to think it's too soon to have a baby because well what was said before.

How do I tell Conrad that we are having a baby even though three days ago, was our wedding day.

Wait, I think I know, it pure and simple, he is not the big jester type guy of guy and it's since we got back together that I grown to love.

But don't get me wrong he does surprise me by doing romantic jesters.

Now it's time for me to be the non romantic jester one....

With telling I'm pregnant.

Jesus Christ, how do most women tell their spouse without being nervous?

Conrad POV

Belly wasn't in bed with me when I woke up, but once I saw the shadow of her feet in the locker bathroom, I knew that was whatever she was doing was probably very private, so I just left her alone.

So I got dressed, then left a note so in case Belly does come out while I'm gone, she wouldn't worry.

I got us breakfast (and I remembered that while we were planning our honeymoon and she told me what her favorite breakfast is in Spain.) And I got what looked really good to me.

When I got back, I find Belly sitting by herself holding a cup with something in it, and another cup of something that looks at a coffee and it looks like what's in Belly cup is coffee too. And she looks really cute/happy/ nervous all in one.

Did something happen while I was gone, I thought.

"Hey Belly, I got us breakfast it's okay with you." I said, very nervous that something did happen to my Isabel while I was gone.

Belly smiled. "It's more than okay. I was hungry anyway." She said, and suddenly the nervous I was feeling faded a little bit. "We—we need to have a conversation about something.—and it can't exactly wait until after we eat."

And just like that the nerves feeling is back.

I sat down and got out are food, I noticed Belly face lights up when she sees that I got her favorite breakfast in Spain, she says with the softly I ever heard her spoke and it was just one word but it means so much to me. "Thanks."

"Your welcome Belly." I said, then I put up a cup of coffee and took a long slip while looking at her before I put it down.

She sighed before saying. "Before I say anything I just wanted to say... that if you think it's too soon and need some time to think, I'll understand and give you that time."

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