Chapter 2

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Before I far into the story the last episode of the second season of the summer I turned pretty revealed Belly's middle name is Susannah, I am just going to change that to her middle name since it makes sense that her middle name is Susannah, and I'm just going to have Park as one of their kids middle names.
                           Conrad POV

Waking up with Belly in my arms again felt right, I kissed her forehead, then checked the time it's time for the sun to be raising.

I gently got off the bed, trying not to wake Belly, I grab one of her long blankets, it was the one I made her and sent her when she was in Spain. It has the funniest quotes I ever said to her, I also sent her a sticker that has the words 'If you stay ready you won't have to get ready'. I thought that if I remind her my funny side then maybe it might just get her to respond to my letters, if only took the word 'love' and promising to show her a picture of me and Jere in those ugly a** Christmas sweaters.

I put the blanket over me and I look around her room, I always wondered how she decorated her room when she was away from beach house, away from me. From her house at Mr. Conklin house from her dorm room, I already saw how her room was decorated at Laurel's house. Some stupid s**** like what color the walls were?Does she have posters of her favorite bands? Are there pictures of me? But now as I look at everything in her room I realize that I love everything in here because well it's her.

I looked at the window when I heard. "Your up early Con." I turned to her, she was now getting up while putting the streets and put it around her.

"I was just thinking .."I said as she walked over to me and stood in front of me. "about how much I hate the thought of some creeps looking into your room."

I was just thinking that, I hate that her window is literally next to the stairs and I made a vow that if creeps do look into her room I beat the living c**** out of them.

"Well it's a good thing that I moved with you." She said, then she look at me and back away sightly while saying. "I mean unless you already change your mind."

"No, no,"I said, feeling guilty because there was so many times I said I wanted her and the next day changed my mind, at the time I thought I was doing right by her, I stop her from backing away even farther from me. "That is one thing that will never change.."I then clear my throat. "I know I did some pretty f**** up things, especially to you... and it cause loss of trust in me.."

"Conrad it's ok..."she begin to say but I interrupted her.

"No I need to say this,"I said, I then pulled her to me and put the blanket around us. "And I can show you can trust me."

When then kissed, it was Belly who finally broke the kiss. We didn't just make passionate love last, we also talked about when we live together.

"You should go before Taylor comes into the room and catch's us."She said, I knew that Taylor is Team Jeremiah and hasn't been my biggest fan, which is fine with me because one: I'm not her biggest fan and don't like because even if Belly doesn't know it or doesn't want to believe it, Taylor adds stress to my girl life.

And two: I made some pretty mess up things, but I will admit that she is a good friend to Belly.

"Plus I have to get you the boxes to pack up your stuff." I said, I then learned in to kiss her again, just like all the others it was sweet and passionate. "How.." I said in between a kiss "can...I...get...dress...when...I...can'" in between each kiss.

I then look at her my hand is on her cheek then I just kiss her. "Can you help me get dress because I don't think I can leave you again."

She exactly that and I help her change into her pjs that she was going to change into before I came here last night.

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