Chapter 9

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Spoilers: only two chapters will have Laurel POV and one chapter where it would have Cleveland, John and maybe Adam (I still have decided yet) (for each story and each of their spouses parents.)

And I we write a story about Jeremiah and Steven.

When I'm down with one of my stories.
                              Laurel POV

Conrad was the first one to came down, while if I might add putting his shirt on. Then his gray jacket.

Some mothers of daughters might glare at the guy or girl for the matter, who they just had sex with their little girls, hell the dads might kill them.

But John is not here right now and even if he was he wouldn't kill Connie because one I stop him because his practically my kid. And two John knows that Connie will never to anything to force Belly or hurt her.

But I just gave him a smile as I wait for my daughter.

I standing by the coffee maker, I already make Steven, Jeremiah and Connie a pot.

The boys were in the living room, I noticed that my son was sitting in the middle the two boys that I saw as my own sons.

While giving Jeremiah a glare, as if daring him make a comment to Connie.

Steven told me that Jeremiah told Connie that he wasn't going to stand in the way between him and Isabel anymore, but as soon as he find out that they are going to be living to together he basically changed his tone and went my daughter to tired to talk her out of it.

I plan on talking to him about that and when I say talk, I might yelled and put him in his place.

I saw how heartbroken both of them were without each other. 

And there is no way, NO WAY, I am letting that happen again.

Just then I heard my daughter coming down stairs, she has on the same outfit that she had on when she went to Steven graduation party.

God I miss Beck so much.

"Good morning Isabel."I said as I saw her and handled her coffee.

"Good morning mom,"said Belly, while taking a slip of her coffee. "Where's Cleveland, Sean and Lola?"

Cleveland and I got married last summer it was small only friends and family, it broke my heart that Belly wasn't she seem to want to spend the summer with her dad at his lake house that he got that summer, and his girlfriend Lorelei and some of her friends that she met in Spain and her friends (Taylor and Anika) but I get why she didn't want to came.

As for Sean and Lola, I didn't know I was pregnant, they are my late in life twin miracle babies.

"Their going to came in June."I said. "I got news I like to share with you all."

I said as we entered the living room, Conrad and Belly sat down on the little couch while Steven and Jeremiah stayed on the big couch.

Conrad POV

I think we're all curious to hear what this news is about.

I held on to Belly too scared that Jere would steal her away from me again.

That was then Laurel started to talk. "Okay first thing first, in June just like the last summer we were all together.."she stop's for a minute, she then clears her throat. " and Cleveland are going to have a book party."

"That's great Laur."both me and my brother said, not even bothering to look at each other. While Belly and Steven said. "That's great mom."

"But until then I will be staying at a hotel, and so will there."said Laurel as she pointed to Steven and Jeremiah.

Thank god. I love my brother but his behavior lately.

First he said that he is not staying in the way and that he has plans on hooking up with a waiter the next day he goes to Belly saying crap about me.

I want us to get along I do but how when he behaving like a child.

Belly POV

As soon as they left to go to the hotel, Conrad immediately grab on to my hands, rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"Walk on the beach?"he asked, looking unsure for a minute.


As we walked down the beach I yet again felt a guilt in my gut.

"I feel like I yet again cause a jiff between you and your brother." I said no longer feeling strange to keep inside.

"You didn't the first time and you didn't now."he said then he sighed as we stop. "The truth is, my dad has put us against each other our entire lives, you were unfortunately just competition that summer with Jere. And before you asked, I am sure that he did have feelings for you, he told me and Steven one time that he wasn't interested in you until you became 'pretty' and that he saw you with me. That was when he said he feel in love with you. I just thought you should know."

He used Air quotes to pretty, which actually helped with the anger I felt at Mr. Fisher. How dare he put his sons against each other they entire lives.

"That actually helps a lot.Thanks "I said giving him a smile, he then put his hand on my cheek, I turned my head slightly giving his hand a kiss, feeling so happy.

I then pulled away as we continue our walk, ours holding hands.

"So  did you too feel in love with me that summer?" I asked with a chuckle causing him to chuckle to. The truth he told me in one of his letters but still...

It did not stop the question I had in my mind, I find that if I don't ask  questions and get the questions have in my head I will end up getting a migraine type headache.

Again I unfortunately get the gene of overthinking from my mother.

"You already know the answer to that."he said while still chuckling.

"I know but you know that I get the overthinking gene from my mom."I said, and the suddenly he stop and pulled me closer to him and kiss me. It was about a minute before we pulled apart, he was still holding me close.

"There was never a specific time that I feel for you, it was gradually walking up one day and realizing it was love, f*** I think I have been in love with you since before you were born."

I smile at him before leaning up to kiss him.

God I love this man so much and I know he loves me so much, I just keep finding out just how much.

We then went to have our date at the Carnival and we spent the whole day there. And we couldn't be more happy then just to be together. Just us, no body else, just the two of us.

The summer we got back together Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat