Chapter 21

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                                Conrad POV

When Belly was still  pregnant, Laurel and Mr. Conklin... I mean John both sat us down and gave us a warning about what it's like the first couple weeks of having a newborn baby in the house.

They right and I do work in a hospital and some of my patients have babies.

But you only need to hand Garrett over to Belly and his fine.

He even refused to sleep in the cribbed that Laurel got for him.

He  gets hungry all the time, something he got from me because I can't get enough of Belly.

And when I told her that she told me to shut up.

To which I had a little chuckle, we are both tired.

Today is Valentine Day, I went to the store to get Belly some flowers and some formula for Garrett just to make Belly's day a little easier.

As I was on my way to the checkout counter, I saw my father coming out of the back room, tricking his shirt in his pants, he didn't see me thank god.

Then I saw him putting his ring back on, as he walked away I saw a young woman that works here coming out, fixing her shirt. Then walking away.

Guess he is still married to Kayleigh, you know the old saying if they cheated with you, they'll cheated on you.

I obviously didn't want to deal with any of them so I went to the self checkout, I glanced under the checkout counter to find that Emmett and Kayleigh who looks like she's pregnant (the only two who I feel bad for) being checkout by the same woman that I saw leaving after my so called father left.

I only came here for one reason and one reason only to get flowers for my wife and formula for my son.

So I payed for the groceries and left to go home.

On the way home, I couldn't help but think about when I find out that my dad cheated on my mom when she was going through chemo.

I had just home early from football practice while Jere was out on a date with his new girlfriend, and just walked in the door.

I instantly heard shouting from the kitchen, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, it's just so rare that my parents fight and when they do it's usually entertaining.

But this fight is very far from entertaining.

"Why did have to this again." I heard my mom yelled while crying.

"Susie I'm sorry, it's just with you being sick, the stress at work.. and I have needs." My father yelled back.

I felt like I was going to be sick, hell who am I kidding I always felt sick when I hear my parents have needs.

"That is not a good enough reason to cheat." My mom yelled, and I suddenly felt like throwing up. "Not to mention while I was going through chemo. Nothing you say or do is going to make me change my mind."

"Suzie, I go take that you want me to move out." My dad said. "But please reconsider going through treatment."

Treatment? What is he saying?

"No, Adam I am not putting myself through that again, I just want to be me when I go." My mom said.

I froze in place, does mom.... does my have cancer... again?

"Suzie.." my dad said.

"Don't touch me." My mom said.

I didn't hear the rest of it, I felt numb, I couldn't breathe. I walked out of the house as I entered it.

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