Chapter 3

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Belly POV

I have never be more angry at Jeremiah until now, as he violently park my blankets into my staircase I thought about how what he did.

As I pack my pictures carefully into one of the last boxes I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it ."said Anika when she opened it, it was Jere, he didn't wait for her to say come in, he just stood in front of me, he then started to tell me that it is a bad idea to move in with his and that Conrad is going to—- I didn't let him finish that sentence.

"Shut the f***ing hell up Jeremiah Henry. Get a new saying because is as old as our grandparents themselves. And you Taylor don't get a say about who I pick."I said, as Taylor open her mouth. "Listen to me Jere and listen to me good because this is the last time I say this to you, me and Conrad are back together and we're moving in together, so f***ing hell if he breaks my heart that's how I know it's real, and one day I hope you feel that way for someone else, but me and you aren't infinite, Conrad and I are and some day I hope you find your infinity, I'm so sick and tired of being the reason you two have a wage between the two of you , your brothers, act like it, what would Susannah say if she saw this?"

Jeremiah look guilty and look down, "Conrad and I are going to be living together and working out our relationship, so either shut the hell up and be supportive of your brother like Steven is with me or never talk to me again because I sure as hell not be wanting someone who try's to manipulate me in my life...get the hell out."

"Bells."Jeremiah said, but I interrupted him.

"I said get the hell out." I said, and he did.

The knock on the door brought me out of my flashback, I softly said 'come in.' It was Taylor and Anika, but Taylor was hesitant about coming in. "Taylor I don't want to hear it about how hard I was on Jere, and that you think I'm wasting my time on him..."

"No, no, no."she said, as she slowly walked and sat on the bed where I was and Anika who was helping me pack, Anika told me earlier when I came back to the apartment and Taylor thank god wasn't home because she was at work. That she and Taylor are going to give me three months to decide if I hate it in California, they will look for a new roommate.

"I was just hoping that the three of us will have a sleep over one last time?"

"Taylor, my mom is coming over for dinner." I said, Conrad and I flight is tomorrow.

Just then there was a knock on the door, it was mother.
Conrad POV

Steven was driving me back to Belly apartment because me and Belly have dinner with Steven and Laurel at her apartment with her two roommates.

I am missing Belly, when we got to her apartment she opened the door and I just kissed her.

Steven gave me a warning that again that if I hurt Belly like I did then he would beat me up.

Which is what I deserve.

The next day Taylor and Anika took me and Belly to the airport, while my girl and her two friends talking I went to the bathroom. Just to give them some privacy.

When I got back, I knew that Taylor told her that it's not too late to change her mind.

Because well she's Taylor Madison Jewel.

I heard half of their conversation, Belly already told me that Taylor is getting her room just in case according to her if they new roommate isn't comfortable sleeping near the stairs outside.

As both Taylor and Anika begin to walk away, I wrapped my arm around Belly, before pressing a kiss on the top of her head.

"They're right, you know,"I said even if I didn't change my mind about me and her moving in together I just wanted to remind her in case that she is not being forced to. "It's not too late for you to back out."

Causing her to look at me confused, then just like her it appear the confusion slip away as she remembers that I know Taylor.

"When I said I was in, I meant it."She said, as she grabbed her suitcase, and I picked one up, slinging it over his shoulder I couldn't help but admit I am at ease when she said that and I was pretty sure it showed. Because she glanced at my profile, smiling victoriously. That god damn smile gets me every time.

"Don't tell me you've changed your mind about me coming with you,"

Which hit me deep because I did that too, I quickly said. "Me? Changing my mind, about you?"

We walked towards the security line. Overhead,electronic airport announcement were being played.

I looked at her. It was that look that had the enormous capacity to end things or start them. Both she and I knew what it meant this time. This look I was giving her. The beginning of everything.

I continue. "Never. You and I, Isabel, we're soulmates. You remember that, don't you? We're bound to each other, weather we like it or not."

Me and her are infinitely always have been always will be.

We boarded the plane and stuffed our carryons in the overhead compartment. Belly took the window seat and I took the middle, I was hoping her hand as the plane lifted off the ground. As we reached higher, I put my head on her shoulder and feel asleep.

I decided where we were waiting on the plane that I would tell her about the girls.

I just don't know how.
Belly POV

As I look at the window, I decided that I was going to tell him, but how and how would he react.

Because I know that he can get jealous when it comes to me and other guys, well to be fair I'm just the same with him and other girls.


I can't believe I didn't show you guys this when I first mention the stairs outside of Belly old apartment.

This is the window outside I have no idea what they called but fell free to tell me

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This is the window outside I have no idea what they called but fell free to tell me.

But Belly window is this <

I'm just going to draw what their (Belly, Taylor, and Anika) apartment maybe when I get down with the down with the chapters I'm working on.

And posting it on Tumblr. 

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