Chapter 27

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****later that night****

Conrad POV

After we all got done eating, and we watched my mother favorite old timing movie.

After the movie ended, we all were tired so we went to our rooms, and got ready for bed.

Belly got ready before me,so she could put Garrett to sleep in our bed, that has once been my mother's bed.

When I got done brushing my teeth, I stopped in the doorframe as I watched Belly sitting on the chaise longue that we picked out when we were redecorating the room.

She is so f***ing at anything she does or says.

"God you are so f***ing beautiful Isabel." I said gently because I don't want to scare her, and in a whisper to not to wake our son .

She just turned her head and smiled at me, then she made the face that she makes when the baby kicks.

"Is our baby kicking again?" I asked her, as I immediately crossed the room and sat in front of her, put my hands on her stomach to feel our baby, I couldn't help but smile as I feel the kicks.

"Like crazy." She said, then she gave me a smile. "While you were in the shower, Garrett feet his little sibling kicked for the first time."

I smiled. "He did?"

Belly nodded, "He did."

"And what was his reaction to that?" I asked, because I can kinda imagine it now.

"He smiled so big."

That made me smile big, I turned my head to look at Garrett who is sleeping in our bed with a gate on the side of the bed so he doesn't fall, then I turned back to Belly's stomach, I gently rubbed it. Then I looked back to her.

I am a lucky man.

"I don't know what changed you mind about giving me another chance, but thank you because I have a gorgeous wife, a healthy son and a healthy child on the way." I said to her.

Belly didn't say a word, until she reached her hand out to pulled my hair out of my face. She licked her gorgeous lips.

"It was you that made me changed my mind." She said, I smiled. "But it was also me making up my mind... to not act like I'm the victim."

That surprised me. "What?"

"A few weeks after the failed wedding, I was sitting in the backyard of my mom's house, I was smoking.."

"Really Isabel, smoking?" I asked her.

"I was depressed okay, I didn't know what else to do, so I followed your method from that summer, but all I did was smoke, Steven came out to check on me, we talked, he asked me what I wanted to do now, and I said that first thing that I was going to do is stopped acting like the victim, because I was certain not the victim in what happened between us. I had time to think about it."

"And yet, it took a long time to get you to respond to my letters." I said in a joking manner, she laughed too.

"Even though, I decided to stop playing the victim, it took a long time to get me to trust you again with my heart." Belly said.

We then kissed and went to sleep, with our son and Belly in my arms, safe and sound.

Belly POV

I walked before Conrad and Garrett did, and since they looked so peaceful and it's a beautiful moment between my husband and son, I decided to let them sleep and got out of bed.

I waddled my way downstairs, to make myself hot brewed coffee which Conrad looked up and brought because it's safe to drink while pregnant.

While the coffee was making, I noticed Taylor was sitting outside lost in thought in one of the backyard chairs by the window.

After my coffee was done, I made Taylor coffee.

I carefully walked to the door, and opened the door.

I could tell that Taylor was shocked to see my almost 6 months belly in the air.

"Since when are you pregnant?" Taylor asked, still looking at my belly in shock.

"Since January, me and Conrad was going to tell you when I was 5 months but since the attack happened, me and Conrad decided to wait until we got here." I said, as I gently sat down to handle Taylor her coffee.

I take a sip, then I wait for her to finish taking a sipped of her coffee.

Then I asked, "So what's happening with you and Steven?"

Taylor sighs, before taking a deep breath. "You know it all don't you?"

"Doctor BB told me about you sucking Steven's d***, which by the way I don't need that image in my head and Steven told me about you avoiding him after that." I said as I took a sipped of my coffee.

"I'm not avoiding him." Taylor insist.

I gave her a look.

"Fine I been avoiding him." Taylor said, throwing her hands up before placing her hands on her eyes. "I don't know why I did I'm just so confused about him right now, before the attack seeing how good he is with Elle and seeing how he gets along with my family I started to think about giving us another chance with us, but then the attack did happen. And while  in the hospital I started to get physically active  to him and wanted to make him feel better in the best way I knew how, so I started sucking his d*** about thirteen times a day, but when he got discharged from the hospital, I knew that he needed to talk but that time I got scared.... and I bailed and no matter what he says I really did had to go out of town for busy."

I pulled my hands back. "I didn't say you didn't." I said to her, after a minute of silence I asked. "Why did you got scared?"

"Because every time I think about giving him another chance at us... I remember the night he dumped me over text after being in a relationship for 4 years and saying he wants me." Taylor said, a frown coming to her lips. "I guess... after the attack... and me sucking on his d*** nonstop reminding me what could happen if he did it again."

"Tay," I said, learning in closer to hugged her, I was once in her position, afraid of getting my heart broken by the boy who I always love.

"It won't happen again." Steven voice came through,me and Taylor both turned/picked up our heads to see Steven, Conrad, Jeremiah, and Kendall outside. I looked at the window to see my mom,dad, Cleveland and Lorelei watching Sean, Lola, Matthew, Henry, Emmett, Henrick, Crew, Garrett and Elle.

Wow, I'll just say it, that's a lot of kids for four adults to look after.

"I love you Taylor." Steven continued to say, "I'll spend everyday making it up to you."

"It's not that easy Steven, you broke my heart, over a text no less. Who does that?" Taylor asked, standing up, tears starting to run down her face. "I don't think I could ever forgive you for that."

She then walked to the desk, I stood up. I said to Steven. "I'll talk to her." I then waddled my way after her, Kendall followed me, in case she needs to help me.

Hopefully I help her in some way, but knowing Taylor and knowing how much my brother f***ed up, it's a high chance.

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