One Broken Glass

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Real World

Skizz x Gem

Skizz gently ran his fingers over Winnie's head, scratching the chocolate lab behind her ears as she shifted her position on the couch, moving closer to Gem's boyfriend. Skizz was lazily flicking through a few unread messages on TIES’ group chat. He sighed and dropped the phone onto his chest, leaning back on the couch. He tilted his head so he could see behind him, and he watched his girlfriend operate in the kitchen. It was late at night after dinner, and she was currently cleaning up while Skizz waited for her. It was movie night, and this time, it was his turn to pick.

Gem was slowly dancing through the kitchen, waving her hands slowly to whatever tune was in her head. Skizz laughed, and she turned around to see him, the corners of her mouth turning up at the sight of him.

“What are you two doing?” She asked, walking over towards Skizz.

“Nothing.” He said as she leaned over his face, her hair forming a curtain around the two.

Gem leaned over the couch and kissed Winnie gently on the head, and Skizz sighed in disappointment, and Gem laughed, moving over to his face, winking at him. Skizz reached up and cupped her cheek as she smiled. Gem kissed Skizz gently, and just as he started to enjoy it, she pulled back and winked again. Gem lifted her head, and she gently rubbed Skizz's cheek before moving away and walking away. Skizz laughed as she danced her way back to the kitchen and stopped right by the counter.

Skizz smiled, opening back up his messages and reading the new argument that Impulse and Etho were having. Gem hummed softly, and Skizz flicked through some photos that Tango had shared from his vacation with a few of his friends. He was away with Scar, Grian, and Pearl in Florida for a week, and they were visiting Scar's all-time favorite place, Disney World. Skizz smiled as he saw a photo Scar had beside the Millennium Falcon and knew that they were all having a great time.

“How's everyone doing?” Gem called, and Skizz smiled at her curiosity.

“Scar is having the time of his life in Star Wars world.” Skizz said, and Gem laughed from behind him, but her laughter was cut short by a loud crash and  exclamation of a few swear words.

“Ow!” Gem cried, and Skizz stood up, looking over to see Gem standing on her tippy toes, surrounded by broken glass.

“Oh Gem!” Skizz exclaimed, and she looked sheepishly up at him. “What happened?”

“Glass broke.” She said, frozen in place. “Can you help? I can't move without touching it.”

Skizz hurried over to the front door and grabbed a pair of Crocs, throwing them on before walking back to the kitchen. Before he arrived, he grabbed a worried Winnie by the collar and locked her in the bathroom so she wouldn’t step in the glass trying to get to Gem. Skizz then walked over to Gem, who winced as the glass crunched under his feet. Skizz wrapped his arms around Gem's torso and lifted her up into his arms. Gem then wound her legs around Skizz’s waist as he walked her towards the counter. He gently set Gem down, and she smiled, pressing her forehead to Skizz's with a small smile. Gem cupped Skizz's cheek and grinned, a small light sparkling in her eyes. Skizz gently kissed her on the lips, and she smiled under his touch. Skizz pulled back and kissed her gently on the cheek before looking down at the glass.

“How did you manage this?” Skizz asked with a smile.

“I am such a klutz.” Gem sighed as Skizz ruffled her hair.

“Do you have any glass in your foot?” Skizz asked, and Gem winced.

“I don't know.”

“Here I'll check.” Skizz volunteered, pulling out his phone and turning on the flashlight.

He shone the light, inspecting her feet, rubbing the cuts in her feet, and looking for any pieces of glass. Gem winced when he reached a small cut in her feet, and Skizz nodded, grabbing a pair of tweezers from who knows where and using them to take the glass out. Skizz repeated the process a few more times until at last all the glass was out.

“There we go.” He said, and he crouched down by the glass and began to collect it.

Gem sighed and pulled her knees to her chest and fidgeted with her hands as he cleaned up the mess. Once Skizz was finished, he sighed, throwing out the pieces and running his fingers through his hair.

“All done.” Skizz said, standing up and looking at Gem, who smiled softly down at him.

Skizz walked up to Gem, and she held out her hands as if they were a peace offering. Skizz shook his head and sighed, leaning forward to kiss Gem gently on the forehead. Gem yawned, and Skizz smiled, hugging her close to his chest.

“Tired?” He asked, and she nodded. “Come on.”

Skizz picked her up, and she once again wrapped her legs around Skizz’s waist as he carried her towards the couch. Skizz sat down as Winnie trotted up to them, and without waiting for an invitation, she jumped up on the couch beside them and began to lick Gem all over her face.

“Calm down, Winnie!” Gem laughed, and Skizz laughed, pulling her close to his chest.

Gem gently kissed Skizz on the cheek, and he smiled as she tucked herself into his side. Skizz turned on the TV and held out the remote to Gem, letting her pick the movie. The two ended up watching some rom-com movie that Skizz didn’t even remember the name of, and by the time the credits started to roll, the two had fallen asleep in each other’s arms.

So cute. I'm working on a Pearl story, but it's taking SO LONG, but I promise I'll get it to you in a few days. I hope. Anyway. Thanks for reading!

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