Chapter 31. Friends & Family

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This chapter takes place after chapter 30.

This chapter contains a flashback.

Trigger warning: Implications of child abuse and family endangerment, (extremely)underaged drinking, and murder.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin walks out of one of the rooms, having finished telling the other's about staying inside, and though being yelled at by some concerned adults, overall everything was fine.

Ruin walks out onto the upper deck, sitting down on the deck near the wheel.

... Almost there.

Ruin watches the water flow westward, the large boat splitting through the waves.

I wonder if they'll recongize me...

If anyone does I'm probably dead-

Probably about time-

... I shouldn't think like that...

For Solar if not anyone else...

I love that man... always have- hah-

I've waited this long to be with him... I can't lose him cause of my...

Stupid. Stupid. STUPID. MIND.

Ruin sees an island in his sight.

That's it.

Ok... ok...

I got this... Everyone's hidden... Except for me...

Which is good.

Very good actually-!

Ruin goes over to the anchor, and after a bit of struggle is able to throw it off the edge and stop the boat in place.

How the heck does Lunar just- do that-?

Ruin jumps down from the boat, looking back to the boat for a minute before taking a deep breath.

"Monty, I can hear your big ass feet."

"ShHh- I'm a ghost- you're hallucinating!"

"... Monty I'm not stupid."

"I just- I don't think you should be going on over to your uncle's on your own."

"... It's just a quick visit. I'll be fine."

"... Last time-"

"I was like- three... I'll be fine."

"Let me come with you, I'll be your muscle!"

"Monty. I'll be fine."

"I just worry that-"

"I'll be fine."

Monty sighs, and hops down on the sand next to Ruin.
"Promise you'll be ok?"

"I promise."

"Do you have a weapon-?"

"I won't need one."

"W-What are you trying to do Captain-?"

"Just visiting-"
Monty cuts off Ruin mid sentence.

"But why-?! You hate these people- I HATE THESE PEOPLE-! Why visit-?! We've got this far with- everything! Why risk it all now-?!"
Monty calms down while talking, stomping his feet and putting his hands on Ruin's shoulders.

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