Chapter 21. Is It Time?

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This chapter takes place after chapter 20.


Lunar's perspective:

Lunar rushes their and a couple other's room, to see none other then Monty chilling on their bed.

Lunar yells and Monty jumps a bit, and looks over to Lunar from the upper right bunk.



"It's fine- what do you want I'm trying to get in my beauty rest!"

"... I think Gemini likes me-"

"Yeah no shit."

Was it really that obvious-

"Wait did you already know-?"

"Gemini gets all red in the face whenever you talk to them."


"You oblivious short person. YEAH."

"Well what do I do now-?!"

Monty gets down from the upper bunk, and crouches down to Lunars height.

"Well, you like them right?"

"... Yeah-"

"So go tell them that."


Monty puts their finger on Lunar's mouth.

"Shut up. You two will cuddle at night together, and the amount of times you guy's have almost kissed is getting annoying. Just go for it."

"what if they say no though-?"

"You'll have to find that out then, but truly, I don't think that's gonna happen kid."

"I'm not a kid and you know that."

"Yeah. I know, but your the size and height as one."

Lunar scoffs, slapping Monty away.

Monty chuckles.
"I really do think you two are gonna be great for each other though."

"Thanks Monty... I think I'm just gonna wait until they come over here though..."

"It's your life."

Monty walks out the door.

... If Monty's right about all of this...

Then I am the most oblivious person ever-

Lunar hops onto their bed, and flops over groaning.

I love Gemini...

I love Gemini.

Gemini's perspective:

Gemini rushes upstairs to see K.C. steering the ship.

"Why are you driving the ship-?"

"Cause Earth's cleaning up and changing right now."

"... Ok-"

"Are you ok? You don't sound the best right now."

"... I might have confessed my feelings to Lunar- kind of- not really but also yeah-"

"So you two are dating?"

"... nO- I got scared and ran up here afterwards..."

"Ah I see now. You're gonna have to speak to him eventually you know?"


"You guy's sleep in the same room."

"Can I crash on your floor-?"

"You're not actually suggesting that we sleep on the floor are you Castor-?!"


"We'll just be in the map room! Ruin slept there for a couple weeks."

"No I don't wanna sleep next to a bunch of maps! I'd rather sleep on the floor!"

"Why are we even avoiding Lunar-?!"


"Uhh- No you should sleep on your bed."


"There's no 'buts' about it. You're gonna have to interact with Lunar eventually."
K.C. turns the ship slightly to stay on track.

"I think we should just talk to him-"

"... Then where gonna have to tell him about... The fact that there's two of us..."

"... I... I think he'd understand-"

"But what if he doesn't-?! People have called us crazy before- I don't want the others to think that..."

"... K.C.'s right though..."

"I know that- DAD."



K.C. groans.
"I've shown you guys ONE picture of Flare and now you all think I'm the kid's dad-"

"You literally said that you raised him."

"I just took care of the kid when their parents couldn't-"

"Hmp. Where are you taking the boat-?"

"Oh- Wait don't change the subject! Go talk to Lunar."

"... No."



"Castor I agree with K.C. here- we should just go talk to Lunar."

"... No."

"I'll make us!"

"I'm in control right now!"

"I can also be in control!"

"I'll go after you tell me where we're going!"

"Fine- I saw a circus or something like it a couple days ago, and I'm bring us over to it."

"A circus-? You know where all adults right?"

"Yeah, though I'm also pretty sure most of us have never been to a circus. Have you?"

"... No..."

"Then it's gonna be a nice change of pace! Now go talk to Lunar."


"I don't wanna do this-!"

"The sun's already going down! We have to get this over with!"

"W-What if we just don't tell him?"

"We both wanna date him! If that's gonna happen then we need to be honest!"

"Do you think he's gonna call us by our names-?"

"... I don't know- maybe-? I don't even know what'd that feel like-"

"... I'd like someone else to call me by name..."

Gemini walks up to the door, and slowly opens it, Monty giving them a thumbs up, which the two are confused about.


Shorter chapter today ✨

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