Chapter 11. Reputation

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This chapter takes place after chapter 10.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin gets up, somewhat confused by Lunar thanking them out of nowhere, though they go down the steps, as Lunar steps off the boat.

Seem like Lunar's gonna be give their parents money again- They want me to 'thank' Monty for them- kind of odd but oh well-

Solar, Monty, Sun, Moon, K.C., are all sitting around the table playing blackjack, all the  cards have small indented spots on them to state what suits, numbers and color's they are.

"Uh- Monty-"

"Yeah Captain?"

"Lunar wanted me to pass on a thanks."

"W-What why-?"

Moon, and K.C. look between eachother and Sun, though Sun makes a very confused in the direction of Ruin and Monty's voices.

"Y-You're joking right-?"

"No- What do you mean by that Moon-?"

"Well- even if its just me and Sun- You- You saved our lifes."
Moon picks up a card, and angerily slaps down his whole deck, taking ten gold coins from his pocket and putting it into the pile of gold in the middle of the table.

"That's exaggerated-"

"You've let me tag along to try and find my parents. If you hadn't let me, I would've probably died due to heat exhaustion by now."
K.C. looks through his deck.


"Uh- if you hadn't let me on the boat I would've gone homeless..."
Solar looks through his deck and looks up at the other confused.

"Well Captain gave you a death threat so-"

"S-Still- wait is that not a normal thing-"

"Nope, everyone else here had the choice to join the crew or not."

"W-Wait- Are you making Solar gamble-?!"
Ruin angerily looks back and forth from Solar and Monty.

"Uh- maybe-?"

"They forced me to join this game- I don't even know what this is called-!"

"... You don't know blackjack-?"

"... Am I supposed to-?"

How the hell did Solar make it through so many years- and turn out so cute-

"Hm. Anyways I do not approve of you gambling against MONTY OF ALL PEOPLE-"
Ruin slams their hand onto the table, pointing into Monty's face.



Solar quickly drops the cards, standing up from his chair and just stepping away.

I'm not even gonna think about what he's put on her fucking card.


Solar walks into his room, Ruin following close behind unknowingly.

Ruin closes Solar's door.

"Wait a second- RUIN-"
Solar confusedly turns around, jumping at the sight of Ruin.

"... Hi-"

"S-Sorry- you are really light on your feet-"

"Oh uh- Thanks- um... Should I leave-?"

Ocean Rules | Sun and Moon showOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora