Chapter 20. Tell Me

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This chapter take place after chapter 19.

K.C.'s perspective:

K.C. is handed a small bag of breads and other treats from a person.

How do I say thank you-
K.C. feels a hand on his arm.

"K.C. lets go. I want to go back to the boat."
Earth speaks softly, tears still running down her eyes, though trying desperately to wipe them away.

"Woah- what happened-?"
K.C. turns to Earth, and crouches down to her height.

"N-nothing- I- I don't wanna talk about it... Can we just go?"

"Yeah- Lets go-"

Earth starts leading the way out, K.C. waving goodbye to the person, who seems confused, and walks behind Earth.
The two get onto the boat, everyone else had already gotten on earlier that day.

"I can steer the boat if you'd like Earth- you seem like you need a break-"

"... Thank you... Though I'd rather just stay up here..."

"Ok- Well- um- do you want to talk about it-?"

"... Maybe... You would probably understand the most out of everyone- or maybe Solar- though I don't know him too well-"

K.C. peeks at the lower deck, making sure everyone is really on board, and then brings up the anchor, then goes over to the wheel, steering the boat away.

"What do you mean?"

"... Parental stuff-?"

"Oh yeah- That stuff- are you sure there isn't anyone more equipped-?"

"... Well everyone else I either don't talk to- or just don't know in general- Monty, Ruin, and Gemini don't talk about their past really- and Lunar, Sun and Moon grew up with both parents..."

Earth takes off her head accessories, undoing a bit of her styled hair.

"Well- I grew up with none- so I don't know how much I can help-"

"... I think you can help- I just have a question..."

"Well spit it out then-?"

Am I being insensitive-?

"... Do you think my parents would be proud if they saw me now-?"


"Uh- Yeah- Your a bad ass pirate- and for what you've told me- you made a whole village from the ground up with your own hands-"

"... Yeah... Thank you... That helped oddly..."
Earth sniffles a bit, sitting down.

"... Yeah- no problem-"

"... Do you remember anything about your parents K.C.-?"

"... No..."

"... Oh..."

"I know what they look like- well- about 25 years ago but still-"

"Why don't you look for them then-?"

"... I want to apologize... I was a dumb kid and got lost... I can't imagine what they had gone through..."

They'll remember me...


... I was only four years old but- no. Stop. Don't think like that, even if they don't remember I still need to find them.

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