Chapter 27. Eyes and Ears

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This chapter takes place a solid hour after chapter 24, 'Circus'.


Sun's perspective:

Moon and Sun had been running around the area, and eventually have found their way back to the accessibility booth, and now are just waiting for the 'Foxy'.


"This is taking forever."

"We might be bit early-"
Moon stands to the left of Sun, mostly just keeping an eye on him to make sure he's safe before Foxy gets here.

Sun crosses his arms, annoyed.

One hundred bottles of beer on the wall, one hundred bottles of beer, take one down pass it around, ninty-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninty-nine bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, ninty-eight bottles of beer on the wall...

Sun stops his interal monologue of counting bottles of beer as he hears a couple steps walk up to him, along with a person entering his view, though Sun is unable to identify what remarkable aspects of the person.

"Hello- There- um- I'm Foxy- are you... Sun and Moon-?"

"Oh yeah! I'm Sun! This is my brother Moon!"
Sun points to Moon.

"Yeah. If you don't keep my brother safe I'm gonna kill you."

"Um... Sir... Threatening the employees isn't allowed on-"

"It's not a threat it's a promise."

"Moon stop! You haven't even given fox boy a chance!"

"It's... Fine- I'll be guiding you around ok?"

Sun nods.

Moon places his hand on Sun's shoulder.
"Stay safe ok?"

"Ok! I will, and so will you!"

Moon lets go of Sun, and walks off.

"Bye brother!"

Sun waves in the general direction where he heard Moon walk off in.

"Uh- so is there anywhere specific you want to go?"

"Uhh- not really, I just wanted to be away from my brother for once-"

"... Uh... Ok..."

I didn't think this far ahead-

What do I want to do...

"Is there anything you want to do- Fox boy?"

"Um... I've wanted to try... Um... The sundaes- though I'm not really allowed to eat while actively-"

"Oh shush it! Bring me to the sundaes!"
Sun lets out his hand toward Foxy, who takes it.

"Is this usually how you get around-?"

"No, but this seems the easiest to do."

"Ok- um-"
Foxy slowly starts walking after a minute, Sun following close to his side.

"Sorry if I'm a bit awkward- you're a fair bit taller then me-"

"It's fine, they said you where in training right?"

"Yeah- I've been on the job for a couple weeks now-"

"So do you know any blind people or- how did you get this job-?"

"Oh um- well my mom lost her eye sight a bit ago, and I had to help her around- so after she passed... I guess I just wanted to help others..."

That's kinda cute...

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