Chapter 5. Sword Fighting

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This chapter takes place the day after chapter 4.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin wakes up, to a nice warm feeling surrounding them.

hmmm... warm...


Ruin cuddlings into Solar's back more, before realizing what their cuddling into, and immediately sitting upright, gaining an extremely flustered face.

"AH- Sorry-"

Solar sits up, groans a bit while doing so.

"It's ok- sorry- I put you in my bed- cause you kind of fell asleep while steering-"



Ruin, panicking, crawls out of the bed, and runs out the door, going up the steps to upper deck.


Ruin see's Earth, who's casually steering the boat.

"Oh- ok- ACK-"
Ruin blinks a couple times, before having the bright sunny light shine their eyes.

Ruin steps backwards slightly, covering their face, and rubbing their eyes.

"Did you have a good rest Captain?"

"Yeah- Earth it was good- what time did you get up here?"

"Not too long ago, I woke up about an hour ago, and when I saw that you wheren't steering, I thought I'd reposition us on a route."

"What route?"

"Well, according to the maps, we should be gaining distance on a island."

Buried treasure-!

"Thats good. Well, you can continue doing you thing. I'm gonna get some to teach town boy how to defend himself."

"I heard that Gemini had some experience with sword training. You might wanna ask them."

"Yeah- I'll do that."

Ruin steps away from Earth, and heads down to lower deck once again, Finding Gemini in the storage room, grabbing a new bottle of wine.



"I need you to teach town boy how to defend himself."

"Uhh- Sure- I haven't really taught anyone how to use a sword in some time- Though I think it'll be fine."

"He doesn't need to be a master, just enough to get him out of a pickle."

"Ok- I probably shouldn't drink right now-"

Ruin snatches the bottle from Gemini's hands.
"I'll take a drink."

Ruin pops off the cork with a edge of a box, then chugs about half the bottle, before slamming it onto the table and walking to Solar's room.

"What kind of day have you been having?"

"... A good one."

Ruin bangs his hand against Solar's door.

Ruin opens up the door, just to see a very naked Solar changing his clothes.

After a bit of the two staring at eachother, Ruin closes the door, and chugs down the rest of the wine bottle.

"How haven't you flopped over dead yet?"

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