Chapter 4. Dating?

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This chapter takes place after chapter 3.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin stares off into the distance, completely spaced out with a blank mind.

"Hey- Ruin- Um- K.C. told be the rules-"

Ruin jumps back a bit, fumbling a bit and looking over to Solar.

"Oh- That's good..."

... He remembers me right?

If he doesn't and I ask... It might seem weird...

"So... What was the rest of your family like? You already said how your mother was-"

"Oh- well... I had two brothers... They... Died... My papa died... Ray, one of my brothers, died shortly after papa... and Beam, my other brother... About three days ago..."

"Oh- two days before you found us here?"

"... Yeah... Beam didn't take his twin dying too well... What was your family like-? If you wanna share-"

Ruin looks back towards the ocean.

"... Well... My mom died when I was only a baby... My father... Died a couple years before I became Captain."

"... That must've been a lot of responsibility..."

"... I was... Sixteen at the time. So about... Seven years ago... I think I dealt with it fine."

"Well... You certainly made a great crew, they all seem to be really close!"

"Yeah... I guess so... Have you gotten along with them all?"

"Well- I haven't really taken the time to get to know them- I- I guess I'm pretty soft compared to everyone else..."

... Softness... Cuteness...

I don't think I know the difference.

"... That's nice... Afterall you went through- I'm shocked you are so open about everything."

"Well- I haven't said all the details- though... I haven't really ever been able to talk before... It's nice to let something's out I guess..."

"... What was it like to live on land for so long?"

"W-What- boring I guess- definitely less exciting then being out here on the water!"
Solar chuckles a bit.

"I- I was raised on water. My whole family was just a lineage of pirates... I wasn't able to go on land for the most part..."

"... Do you not like the water?"

"... All of my favorite memories where on land... Which wasn't often... One time... I sneaked off the ship and... Meet someone..."

... Please recognize me...

"Who was it?"

Ruin chuckles half defeatedly, feeling a bad pit in their mind.

"Someone... Who I miss dearly..."

"Did you too get along a lot?"

"I only saw him for one day... Though... He never left my mind... Ever..."

"Do you think he remembers you?"

"... I don't know... Probably not... I don't think I'm too worth remembering..."

"... That's not true!"

It is... You don't remember me...

"... How would you know?"

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