Chapter 3. First Day

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This chapter takes place the morning after chapter 2.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin wakes up to a bit of water splashing on their face.

"ack- what the hell-"

"Wake up sleepy head."


"Who else?"

Ruin drowsily sits up, they had fallen asleep at their desk.

Ruin had been mapping out the crew's next route in the storage room above deck.

The room doesn't have much, a desk, maps, and a window, daylight shining through.

"... Five more minutes..."

Monty rolls his eyes, and then grabs Ruin's arm, dragging them out the door of the room.

Ruin covers their eyes quickly, the sunlight blinding them almost.

"You're not a vampire- Take in the sun!"

"I don't wanna..."

"... Hmm..."
Monty spots Solar, who's mopping the deck slowly.

Monty points at Solar, giving Ruin a light pat on the back to get their attention.

"Well, If you don't get some sun, then you can't talk to your little crush-!"

Ruin down straight down at the ground, covering their face.

"Don't- Don't say it like that-"

"You called him cute."

"... It was a factual statement and nothing else."

"Yeah yeah sure."

"... I'll talk to him..."

"You gotta show him the ropes anyways, Captain."

Ruin groans, and walks over to Solar, Monty rushing downstairs.


"O-Oh um- Hi-! You spooked me-"
Solar jumps back a bit at Ruin's sudden appearance, almost dropping the mop overboard, though is able to quickly grab it.

"Uh- Yeah..."

I wonder if he remembers me...

I remember him...

"Well, it's your first day, and... I'm gonna assign you to someone so you can learn how we operate around here more..."

Ruin yawns, their eye drooping as they talk.

"... Did you get any sleep-?"

"I'm the captain- of this... Ship- don't question me..."

Solar chuckles, liking to see Ruin like this.

"Did you sleep well-?"

"Mhm! The room was nice! Not much compared to my actual bed but- for a ship- I'd say it's really good!"

Town boy...

Cute town boy...

Factually cute town boy-

"Ok... Follow me-"

Ruin turns around, though tumbles over the water bucket, barely avoiding spilling it over, and continues walking down to lower deck.

Monty greets Ruin once they get down, everyone else giving Ruin a smile and a wave.

"Hey- uh- K.C.- where's K.C.?"

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