Chapter 17. Canonical Filler

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This chapter takes place after chapter 16, maybe like 20 minutes pass.


3rd person perspective:

K.C. finishes eating, wiping his face and just continues to talk amongst the rest of the people around the table.

"So you two aren't dating?"

Monty chomps down on another piece of his food, looking towards Lunar and Gemini.

"N-No we aren't-!?"

Lunar looks over towards a very Flustered Gemini while speaking.

"Now that, is very convincing."

K.C. rolls his eyes jokingly at the two, giving them a chuckle.


Lunar finishes up a cup of water and sits back in the chair, which had been adjusted for his height, and Lunar crosses his arms while pouting.

"Does Gemini have anything to say on this matter?"

K.C. speaks, and Monty turns towards Gemini.

"I- um- well- I- um-"

Gemini eats the last couple of pieces of food on the two's plate, and stood up, and goes over to the upper deck.


Lunar gets down and rushes to Gemini.

"Aren't we not supposed to edge them on?"

Sun looks down at his plate, eating the last couple crumbs scattered around the plate.

"Earth isn't here, so what's stopping us?"

Monty stretches in their chair, finished eating, and licking their lips before wiping them with a piece of a napkin.

"What if they aren't interested in each other?"

"Those two almost kissed a couple days ago, along with the cuddling, I'd be real surprised if they aren't interested in each other."

"Wait what-"

Solar had just finished his plate, and had started stacking up the empty plates and cups.

"Oh yeah, a couple days ago, Gemini and Lunar where just sitting in bed, and the two kept getting very close."

Monty uses large hand movements to give emphasis.

"Oh- ok-"

Solar looks over at Ruin, who's taking their sweet time eating.

"Why would you even want to kiss someone? Mashing your faces into each other- almost like your asking for a disease."

Moon plays around with a small pile of mashed potatoes on his plate, pushing it from one end to another.

"You don't like the idea of a relationship at all."

Sun semi annoyed, looks over at Moon.

"Yeah, cause it's weird."

"Well I'd like to have a partner at some point!"

Sun smiles giving small claps while doing so.

Ruin finishes up their food, and just listens to the conversation.

"Sounds like more work if you ask me."

Moon starts to actually eat the mashed potatoes.

"You have to put work into a relationship. That's how they form, Romantic or otherwise."

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