Chapter 16. Breakfast

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This chapter takes place after chapter 15.


Solar's perspective:

Ruin and Solar make it down to lower deck, seeing Gemini, Lunar, Sun and Moon already sitting at the table, all of them in the same spot as where they where sitting when playing blackjack a couple days ago.

"Where's everyone else?"
Ruin pulls out a chair for Solar, who sits down, and moves the chair a bit closer to the table as Ruin sits down in the chair beside him.

"Well K.C. and Monty are helping Earth get ready, where gaining closer to her home afterall."

"Really- I didn't even notice- wait KC-?"

"K.C. is just helping with Earth's hair."

"Ok- and Monty?"

"Their helping Earth sew up some holes in her dress I think-"

What are they talking about-

K.C. steps out from one of the rooms, wiping off small beads from his shirt, along with taking out a pin from his skin.

"What happened with you-?"
Ruin look over at K.C. who has a bunch of small bleeding dots scattered around his skin, mostly within the legs and arms.

"Monty kept mIsSinG the pin cushion."
K.C. uses annoyed air quotes while saying 'missing'.

K.C. groans and sits down in a chair.

"So- Is Earth risking her dress to eat for once?"

"Earth already ate."
Gemini starts passing out the plates of food on the table.

"Eh makes sense-"

"W-Wait whats going on-?"

I kept on listen hoping I'd understand but- I am still so confused-

"Oh, since where closing in on where we picked up Earth, she's getting ready to see her family again. Also she typically donated them all the money she got-"
Just as Ruin finishes speaking, Monty, semi dramatically steps out of the door.

"Oh- uh-"

Monty shakes their head, a couple beads falling out, and waving her hands like crazy as he open's the door for Earth to come out.

Lunar joins in, giving a drumroll of sorts.

As Monty screams, Earth exits.

Earth twirls around carefully, in much more fancy attire then usual.

A long flowly red and white dress, with detailed pattern designs near the botom.

Earth's long hair being intertwined with different colored long ribbions, her hair half tied in a bun, and the other half braided up in two, and pushed towards the front.

Earth also has some sort of headware on her forehead, along with a cloth draping across her shoulders.

Lunar, Sun, K.C., Moon cheer, along with Monty who steps back carefully, trying not to ruin the dress, Gemini and Ruin were Clapping happily, and Solar just kind of stares in amazement.

Never heard of a fancy pirate before- How- Earth almost looks like a completely different person-


Earth snaps her fingers in Solar's face.
"It's rude you stare you'know?"

"Oh- um- sorry- but- how- One, you look amazing, two, How-?"

"Lot's of help from K.C. and Monty, along with the fact that I already have done this before-"

"Ok- um- why-?"

"None of your business."

Solar gives Earth a couple claps, and Earth just goes onto upper deck.

"How sheltered where you-? You where gawking."
Ruin easily gets Solar's attention.

"I didn't go out much... Was I being rude-"

Everyone responds.


"Eh, it's a rookie mistake. Though don't do that again, if you're gonna ask questions, make sure you ask them at the right place, time, and way."
K.C. rub's his eyes, Earth had woken him up early to help her with her hair.

"Thanks- though- how does Earth even clean that all-?"

"She takes whatever opportunity possible to make sure he fancy outfits are in tip tp shape."

"Ok- um..."

"Earth does this whenever we start getting closer to where we picked her up, personally I don't really get it, though it's not hurting anyone."
Monty sits down in a chair, grabs a peice of food, and starts devouring it.

"How early did Earth wake you two up-?"
Gemini looks back and forth of K.C. and Monty, who have now both started eating into the food tiredly.

"Right after the sun starting rising."
K.C. hand grabbed a slice of sour bread, and spreads some butter over it, before chomping down.

"Did you guy's even get enough sleep-?"
Gemini starts arranging their food on the plate, which seems to be spilt into two different sides, using a fork every now and then to eat certain foods.

"We got enough to help by Earth's logic."
Monty doesn't use his plate for the most part, and mostly eats with his hands, though using a napkin pretty much every bite.

Solar uses a fork and knife to eat his food, eyes looking back and forth from the people talking.

Ruin picks at certain parts of his food, pushing it to the side, before eating the rest, especially on certain meats, and bread crusts.

Sun has a preset plate with his foods, and just eats normally.

Moon also just eats normally, though having to stop Sun every now and then from accidentally eating bits of penuts and general tree nuts from the table.

Lunar seems to more or less eat a balanced meal, though Gemini has to prepare his bread, Lunar eating it begrudgingly.


Didn't make it to 1000 words but seeing how long the last one was imma let it slide, plus I got some stuff planned ✨

Also how would y'all feel if I added Sun x Foxy into the book?

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