Chapter 37

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After a few more exercises Ms. Robert's let riding lessons end.

I was putting my tack and Percy away when I turn around to see Isabelle and Abbie chatting at their horses stalls. That's when I realize theirs is right beside each others. Convenient.

Abbie was smiling and laughing, the laugh that she only did around me and Zack...

Pushing the thoughts out of my head I finish putting Percy away. My phone buzzes.

Amoy: sorry, I need to stay at basketball a little while after. Meet up later to talk suspect's?

Me: no problem. About what time should we meet up?

Amoy: How about 5? We could get dinner.

Me: I'll text Seth our plans

Amoy: see you later! 👋

Amoy was one of the few people that I was friends  with who knew Seth was my bodyguard. Besides Vivi and Aren of course. I then build up the courage to walk up to them.

"Hey" I say. "I've got some time off, you guys wanna hang out in the lounge and chat?"

"Sorry" Abbie say. "Isabelle was going to show me some of her comics, maybe later?"

I keep my smile on, "Oh... that fine! I should study anyways... see you later!" Before they could say anything else I jog down the stables halls and out of sight. I wouldn't let them see me cry. I shouldn't be crying. I was a baby for it...


"Okay, first suspect" Amoy sits criss cross on my bed.

"Vanessa, she could hate me for her getting stabbed during the play." I read off my notebook paper that id been working on since after riding lessons. I needed my mind on stuff.

"Still cant believe she locked you in the closet" Amoy says.

I nod.

"Okay next" she says.

"Sahila could always hold a secret grudge" I say.

"Noted"Amoy says.

"Camille because she's... Camille." I say.

Amoy sets down her pencil, "Meilin could have a grudge on me for some reason... we still have no idea why she left us." But we did know. The popular side was just better than us.

"How about Alora? Just because she seems innocent doesn't mean she is, take Claire for an example." I say.

Amoy writes that down, "Anyone start to seem nice to you randomly?"

"There's this one girl, Isabelle, she's new in my riding class and was there when Percy got loose."

"Suspicious..." Amoy says writing down the name. "I'll look her up in the school files after my next school newspaper meeting tomorrow."

One way that Amoy got her information was secretly going into the school files on people after each meeting. But the teachers thought she was too nice and good of a student to think she was getting into any trouble.

"Ryan and Bonnie?" Amoy ask. "Are they off the list?"

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