Chapter 31

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After getting Percy tacked up I go and meet Abbie so the her horse Harmony.

We both walked our horses to the edge of the stables where the trails start

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We both walked our horses to the edge of the stables where the trails start. There sat Renee and Raphael waiting with Ben.

"Ready"I say mounting Percy. Abbie follows suit.

"I'm waiting on a few others" Ben says pushing back his blond hair as he adjusted his helmet.

"Here" turning I see Vanessa ride up on Majesty, and Camille on Snow.

"Here" turning I see Vanessa ride up on Majesty, and Camille on Snow

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"Now we are ready to go" Ben says.

"Wait!" We all turn to see Alora riding up on her horse Princess. Short for Princess of dreams. "I'm coming!"

"Anyone else?" Ben looks around

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"Anyone else?" Ben looks around.

We all shake our heads, but then Camille says, "I have one more person."

Hearing hoof beats I turn to see Jessica, galloping up to us.

Now heading onto the dirt trail, our horses hooves thumping on the ground was the only sound.

Not until Jesica says, "so, I hear the riding classes here are amazing."

"Yes, our old head instructor was amazing, but so is Mrs. Sophia." Vanessa says. Her Russian accent saying the words effortlessly.

"She seems really young, but she had a ring on her finger so I guess she's married" Jessica says.

" it this summer but last summer she got married to a guy, I hear he's super nice" Camille says. "And I believe she's only 24."

"She went to Legacy Academy" Vanessa adds.

"Why is it called Legacy Academy anyways?" Jessica asks. I couldn't help but give a glance towards her.

"Because almost everyone here has a legacy to uphold, and the school prepares us for it." Vanessa says. "That's what the handbook says in summary of a two pages paragraph."

The four girls laugh.

"So, where are you from?" Camille asks changing the subject.

"Nebraska" Jessica says.

"Isn't that were your from Lauren?" Alora asks me.

I nod.

"So I know it's a big state and whatnot, but do you two know each other?" Alora asks.

"Actually, we used to be very close friends" Jessica says.

"Used to?" Camille asks.

"You know, the whole changing from middle school to High school thing." Jesica waves a hand in the air.

"Yea, that's the worst" Camille says.

"Does this mean she's your scholarship donator?" Vanessa asks Jessica.


Vanessa turns to Abbie, "and you?"

"I've been friends with Lauren since middle school" Abbie says giving a glance to Jessica.

"Were you all three friends?" Camille asks.

"Yup" Jessica says.

"That's so nice beat you can put aside all of your old drama so that you can spend your senior year together" Alora says. "Especially if there had been drama involved." The way she said it I knew Alora wanted to get into the drama area of it.

Changing the subject I say, "Jessica also does cheer."

"Really?" Vanessa turns to Jessica. "You should totally go out for the school team! It's just antithetical great way to get out of Friday riding lessons."

"And boys" Alora says.

I try not to gag.


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