Chapter 36

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It was Thursday, and tomorrow our new coach would decide team captains. There was a good chance, one out of five that I'd get it. Only two would be picked out of ten kids. This was a few people bigger than my team last year. And I didn't get picked last year, but I can't let that get me down. Today I'd show Ms. Robert's that I was ready.

After Seth would tour me around school to make sure I was safe as our usual daily routine went, with Luke talking to me at lunch and classes that we had together. Finally the bell rang and it was time for rinsing lessons!

I dashed to the bus and to my dorm to change for lessons, then sped back to the bus to go to the stables.

When I got there Percy was sitting as he should in his stall, nothing seemingly out of place. I took this as a good sign and got him tacked up to go.

After I was tacked up I rode Percy to the arena we were assigned to practice in. People and their horses were waiting. Among them stood Abbie who was chatting with Isabelle. They seemed to be getting along, and Abbie even laughed once.

Deciding I should stop starring I ride Percy over to them, "hey."

Isabelle turns to me and smiles, "hey Lauren."

"Ready for practice?" Abbie ask.

"Born ready."

Finally Ms. Robert's walked in and had us line our horses up. We went through a few courses and then Ms. Robert's called us we all lined up.

"Today is about showing me who is the best leaders for the team. I'll send you all through some courses for team building. I want my two teams to group up. Team one on my right and team two on the left." She waits for us to move our horses. "Now I want your teams to line your horses across the arena 5 yards apart each. You will have to learn to trust your teammates as you send a bucket of water to you. The team to get to the other end first with the bucket still at least half full of water wins!"

As we lined up Ms. Robert's handed buckets to Vanessa and Jessica, both whom were at the beginning of the lines.

Holding a whistle to her mouth and Robert's says, "Ready... set... go!!!"

Jessica ran the bucket to Isabelle , who road it to Atlas trying to hold the reins with one hand and the bucket with the other. Then he ran it to Ben, who carried it to me. As soon as it was handed off to me I was in a race with Alora to the finish line. The bucket was just about to hit the half way line so I couldn't afford to loose any more water. If so we'd have to go back to restart, and we couldn't afford to do that.

Percy and Alora's horse were running an even match. Only a few more feet and...


Who do you think won? Lauren or Alora's team?

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Unraveling Secrets - Legacy Academy Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora