Chapter 35

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Let's just say that if Seth had any bruises, I wouldn't know.

After an embarrassing trip to wait outside of the headmasters office due to Seth being my bodyguard and I can't leave him and all, we had a silent walk to my dorm.

"You have great tastes in boyfriends" he mutters as we near my dorm house.

"Thanks" I say sarcastically.


That morning I awoke with an envelope under our door with my name on it. Everyone was still asleep so I quickly went to my room.

Closing the door I sit on my bed and open the envelope. Pouring the papers on my bed my eyes widen.

Infront of me sits newspaper clippings.

'Lauren Bakers stepmother sent to jail after allegedly trying to hurt her.' 'Shyanne Riorden is sentenced to life in prison.' 'Lauren Bakers eighteen birthday reveal to be June 2nd, when she will fully inherit the estate this year following her graduation at Legacy Academy.'

I read on continuing the last newspaper clipping.

'As reports say, she is to inherit the Jameson foundation on June 2 unless something gets in the way. Conspiracies fly as we wonder what the rest of the family thinks about this? Are Shyanne's kids truly in on it? Is this new 'perfect family' image a set up? Stay tuned for more.'

I thew down the papers in annoyance. They could say what they want. But Vivi and Aren are my family. Shyanne wasn't. She never was or will be. I never wanted to see her again! And I need to find who keeps sending me these newspaper clippings... this was the second this person has given me. The first time was about me being a fraud. What's there next hit?


As soon as class ended that and another horse lesson was over I texted Amoy.

Me: our room. Now! Emergency!

It only took Amoy a few seconds to respond.

Amoy: on my way.

In a few minutes she runs into the room seconds after I did. She was still in her basketball room. She was panting from the run. "What's the emergency?"

I pull the envelope from my bag and hand it to her. Opening it her eyes widen.

"We still have one person after me" I say. I pull out my phone and pull up the messages from the unknown number and show it to her.
As she reads the rough it I say, "a few days ago I found Percy loose in the stables, and I know for a fact that it was perfectly latched. And I doubt there grooms would forget... and it was their night off."

Amoy nods handing me my phone, "they obviously have info, and remember. The unknown number and the unknown number could always be a different person."

"Which makes it even harder" I say.

She nods slowly thinking, "who is on your list so far?"

"Anyone from the stables, maybe even someone not from the stables... some people that might want me out of the competition... someone who has a grudge... Vanessa for that factor definitely... Sahila..."

"Wait" Amoy stops me. "Sahila?"

I nod. "There's something I need to tell you... remember how Claire died? Poisoning? It was how Evie died... and when it happened... Sahila looked unfazed... I know it's not that much evidence but... I have this gut feeling..."

"I believe you." Amoy says. "Because I caught her making the poison."

Thoughts? I know this is off my normal updating schedule but I'm also working on the other book, Beyond the saddle at the time too which I'm really excited about!!!!!! (And make sure to check it out and tell me what your thoughts are.)

Please remember to vote and comment your thoughts!!!!!!!

And thank you to those who have stuck with me this far, it means a lot!!!!!!!!

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