Chapter 29

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And that's when Luke swings for a punch. What a great first day. And it wasn't even first period yet.


"You could have just kept quiet" I tell Seth as we head to our second period. The whole first period was the headmaster giving us a speech on not creating violence.

"He was on my nerves" Seth says not looking at me. I had to almost jog to keep up with his pace.

"You're both on my nerves" I say.

"Poor you" he says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes, "since when did you get so into boy drama?"

"Since this year", he says. And that was it, he was quiet the rest of the way.


Luke: hey, sorry about the fight

Me: wasn't your fault completely

Luke: still...

Me: it's fine, really.

Luke: want to go to the book store later? And get some coffee?

Me: sure, I'm open at 4:30 after riding classes

Luke: dinner then?

Me: sure

After closing my phone I look back to the board where our teacher was writing. There there was a knock at the door, the dean of the students walks in.

A blond girl following her. Then I see the girls face. It was Jessica!

I sit still in my chair as I see the Dean whispering to the professor. The professor nods and the Dean leaves, Jessica stays.

Putting down his pen the professor clasped his hands together, "everybody! This is Jessica, she's one of our newest scholarship students! Please make sure to help her feel at home."

Jessica walks down the isles of seats and sits at an empty one off to the side, a row in-front on me. She acts normal and pulls out a notebook flipping to the empty first page. She hadn't looked at me.

Maybe she didn't see me, I tell myself. But I knew I was lying to myself.


"What is she doing here?"I say into the phone. As soon as free period started I called Mr. Robinson.

"Turns out Shyanne had a little backup plan to get back at you in another way. She had Jessica's scholarship paid. And this is something that we can't be undone after a certain time period..." he explained. "I don't hear about this till last night."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I ask.

"You had school work" he says. "And let's get this straight, I don't want to sound like some grumpy old man, but you need to put whatever drama you two have aside. You're the richest teen in the world. And one wrong move with her could send your image crumbling to the ground."

I sigh, "understood."


"So let me get this straight, little miss backstabbed is now going here?" Renee asks. I nod. As we walked down the path to the arena with our horses I explained the whole situation to her.


"And you are allowing this?"she asks.

"I have no choice"I answer.

Bolt, short for Thunderbolt. Renee's gelding nickered.

"Isn't Abbie comeing today?" Renee asks. "Didn't she join for riding?"

"Yes, but since this is her first year she has to sit through a speech first." I say. That had been me last year.

Finally to the arena I look around the new crowd of kids. And right smack dab in the center is Jessica, on Dash.

I know this was kinda boring but like I said. No ideas!!!

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