Chapter 8

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As soon as I got home I rushed to the library,
Seth chasing after me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I don't answer him as I look up at the painting. Nothing seemed out of place.

"Help me take it down" I tell Seth.

He helps me get it down and I look back tot he painting. Nothing about the woman was out of the ordinary...

Then I saw what she was wearing. The locket. And now I finally realize that the paintings frame had the same imprints as the locket!

I felt around the edge until I felt a bump, looking down at it I open a tiny latch to reveal a very tiny golden key.

I felt around the edge until I felt a bump, looking down at it I open a tiny latch to reveal a very tiny golden key

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"What is it?" Seth asks.

Reaching for the locket which sat my dove charm I unclasp the chain. Looking at it I find a tiny hole. I slowly and carefully put the key in and turn it. With a 'click' sound it pops open. Inside is a picture of me, and my mom. On the other side are tiny letters.

"I can't read this" I say.

Seth squints at it, "it's French"

I look up at him, "can you read it?"

He shrugs, "since I was five" he held out his hand. I hand him the locket. "My beloved princess." He hands it to me, "that's all it says."

That's when I see the royal seal.

Getting up I run out of the room and to the garden, it was a hedge maze but I was still fast enough to go to find Gran.

She stoped walking when she saw me run towards her, I stopped panting. "Who-who was she?" I heave out showing her the locket.

She purses her lips and goes to the bench, patting it. I sit.

"Your mother and my son met at legacy Academy... they were inseparable..." she began. "So much that they later got married at 18... before graduation... secretly... when he came to me for my blessing I told him he was a foolish boy living in a fantasy... he did it anyways though. She even changed her name so that her parents wouldn't find her and make her leave him... but as I had predicted, it was a fantasy. Shyanne then came, and your mom got divorced... I never saw her again... we got along actually... she'd talk to me when people would say and think I was old and crazy..." a tear slipped down her cheek. "She never told us that she was pregnant..."

"She was a scholarship student?"I asked.

Gran shakes her head, "no... she was Princess Tory Amelia Silverwood..."

"But Aunt Rebecca-" Gran cuts me off.

"She was a friend she meet, at the school who was a scholarship student." Gran says.

It all made sense...

What do you all think????!?!!?!!!?!!

🤔 Confused
😆 Excited
🫨 very surprised?!?

Unraveling Secrets - Legacy Academy Book 2Where stories live. Discover now