Chapter 5

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"Hello" I try to focus on keeping my face calm.

She seemed to be looking me up and down, "you certainly look like her..."

I didn't have to ask who she meant. My mom.

"She has her father's eyes" Shyanne walked in, wearing a cocktail dress. One you'd probably wear to a wedding.

Grandma Marionette let out a huff, "yes... and where have you been?"

"I wanted to look my best" Shyanne says. She smiled, but I knew it was fake. It didn't reach her cheeks.

Before anyone could say anything else a maid walks in, "dinner is ready."

"Good. I'm starved." Grandma Marionette starts to waddle away.

Instead of eating in the family dining room we ate in the main one, where most of the business meal apparently happened.

Instead of eating in the family dining room we ate in the main one, where most of the business meal apparently happened

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Grandma Marionette asked Aren about his baking classes and soccer, then asked Vivi about fencing.

"She looks lovely in that dress, doesn't she?" Shyanne buts in.

"Like a lady" Grandma Marionette muses. I could see Vivi fumbling with her fingers under the table.

"So what have you been up to?" Aunt Rebecca asks Grandma Marionette to change the subject.

"Europe. I have a house in London." Grandma Marionette says. "Quite lovely in the summer."

Aunt Rebecca nods, "I've heard there are some great cafes."

"The best", Grandma says.

"I'll have to visit you some time"Shyanne says.

"Maybe" Gran takes a sip of her tea. She turns to me, "have you really been riding that beast of a horse?"

"His names Perseus, and he's quite calm now." I say.

"I remember when your father brought him here, said it was the perfect horse. To see if you'd be a good heir..." Gran says. "That reminds me... I brought gifts!" She turns to a maid, "bring them please."

Unraveling Secrets - Legacy Academy Book 2Where stories live. Discover now