She Will Have To Marry Scarlett?

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"Whoever you are, come out," she called, her voice laced with irritation. "I know you all are hiding there."

And from the concealing embrace of the bushes, four figures emerged, their presence undeniable. Each step they took seemed deliberate, purposeful, as if they were stepping onto a battlefield, ready to engage in a struggle beyond mere physical combat.

The first to reveal himself was a young man, his silver wavy hair cascading around his face like a veil of moonlight. Two jet-grey horns protruded from his head, a stark contrast against the backdrop of his skin, which bore a faint purple tint, lending an otherworldly quality to his monstrous appearance.

His eyes, sharp and fierce, pierced through the darkness, a mix of golden and black pupils reflecting an intensity that spoke of both power and authority. Adorned in a long white kimono-like robe with wide sleeves, adorned with intricate white and gold accents, he exuded a regal aura that commanded attention. A white and red cape or coat draped over his shoulders added to his imposing presence, billowing slightly in the breeze as he assumed his stance, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of a massive katana strapped to his back, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

The second figure to emerge stood in stark contrast to the first, a towering mass of muscle and sinew, his dark skin glistening with a grey tint under the moonlight. A single horn jutted from the center of his forehead, a testament to his formidable strength. Despite his fierce exterior, he wore a pair of a lady's purple sunglasses, an unexpected juxtaposition that hinted at a childlike innocence hidden beneath his intimidating facade.

Following them, two more figures emerged from the shadows, their presence adding another layer of intrigue to the unfolding scene.

The first woman to step into view stood at an average height of 5.7 feet, her slender frame clad in sky-blue Chinese attire, reminiscent of the iconic Chun-li from "Street Fighter 6", She was looking so similar that she might easily mistake as Chun-li. Her outfit hugged her curves snugly, the tight blue leggings accentuating her lithe form as she moved with a grace that spoke of years of training.

With her hair tied back in a sleek ponytail, her eyes glinted with determination, mirroring the steely resolve etched upon her features. Every movement she made exuded a sense of purpose.

Following closely behind her was a towering figure, a woman of extraordinary height, standing at an imposing 240 centimeters tall. Her presence was as commanding as her stature, her single horn protruding from the right side of her forehead, it was small but I. Reality it was an average size of horns in female demons around 10-15cm, it was her huge size that making her horn look tiny

Clad in a white shirt with the top buttons left undone, revealing her dark yellow bra with black lace trim underneath, she exuded an air of casual confidence, her attire reminiscent of a rebellious high-school gals. A mini-skirt completed her ensemble, adding a touch of youthful energy to her appearance.

Her dark skin bore the same grey tint as her bald demon, who was wearing purple lady glasses, a visual cue to their familial connection. It was clear from their shared features that they were siblings, bound by blood.

In her hand, she wielded a battle pickaxe with a practiced ease, its intricate design a testament to the skill of its creator. A small fang like tooth coming out of her mouth, the base of which had skin folded in a way where she appeared to be extremely angry, like she was having a rough day.

Scarlett's eyes first landed on a Chinese-looking girl without horns. Her face brightened, and a smile spread across her lips as she extended her hand. "Mommy Chun-Li, is that you?" she exclaimed, mistaking her for the iconic Street Fighter character.

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