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As Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan departed from the village, a sense of sadness lingered in the air, especially for Yumi, who had grown attached to them during their brief time together. However, the impact they left behind was undeniable. By teaching the villagers cooking skills, even if it was just a few recipes, they had provided a significant improvement to the quality of life in Dreadhaven. No longer reliant on raw meat, the villagers now had the knowledge to prepare nourishing meals for themselves. They even began to experiment and develop additional cooking skills on their own, further enhancing their culinary abilities. With this issue resolved, another problem plaguing the village had been successfully addressed.

Amidst these developments, one question must be lingered in your minds: where is Doomthunder?, Upon our arrival in the village, he had arrived a few minutes later, initially causing fear among the villagers due to their ingrained fear of hounds. However, upon learning that Doomthunder had become my loyal companion, the villagers gradually began to feel at ease. I had also made a pact with him, to which he had readily agreed, offering his soul in loyalty.

Soon after, Doomthunder had left the village to gather his entire hound group. It had been two days since his departure, and I anticipated it would take at least one more day for him to return with his full group. 

Where's Scarlett?, She's  facing a life-and-death situation. But wait, who or what could possibly be formidable enough to pose such a threat to the mighty Scarlett Nova?

Well, brace yourself, because it's not a fearsome foe or a cunning villain—it's none other than a pile of clothes. Yes, you heard that right. "Female clothes", to be precise.

"C'mon, wear it already!" Yumi's voice rang out, tinged with a hint of frustration.

Inside Scarlett's shelter, a struggle ensued as Scarlett resisted the villagers' attempts to make her wear the clothes they had specially made for her. Seiira and Yumi exerted all their efforts to convince Scarlett to don the attire.

"Look at your revealing clothes! Think about the children. You're setting a bad example for them. And think about the villagers who put so much effort into making these clothes just for you," Yumi exclaimed, her tone carrying a touch of aggression.

Scarlett pushed back, adamant in her refusal. "I'm not disrespecting their sincerity. I just can't wear it!" she insisted, resisting their efforts. Bound by her contract with Avion, she had promised to wear the revealing clothes until she freed the villagers from their troubles.

"You can't fool me. Just wear these clothes," Yumi chuckled mischievously, determined to see Scarlett comply.

As Scarlett contemplated using her physical strength to break free from the situation, a sudden realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. It was the memory of her defeat at the hands of Aoto, back in "Chapter 28 - Rock, Paper, Scissors," where he had exploited her weakness by making her imagine wearing a bikini in front of everyone, causing her to lose focus and ultimately the game.

Recalling her motto—that a true warrior should have fewer weaknesses—Scarlett felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins. She couldn't let her fear of female clothes control her. With a deep breath, she steeled herself and reached for the garments.

"Huff... huff... I'll wear it!" Scarlett declared, her voice filled with determination as she made the decision to overcome her fear and face the challenge head-on.

With the others respectfully leaving the shelter to give Scarlett privacy, she hesitantly opened the package containing the clothes. Inside was a semi-backless purple off-shoulder sweater, a garment that reflected Scarlett's known affinity for the color purple, especially after her display of purple fire against Sulfurion, which had spread across the village.

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