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In the days leading up to this moment, I had bestowed upon Asta the sacred knowledge of wooing women, delivering a marathon 12-hour lecture on the intricate art of capturing a lady's heart. And now, as fate would have it, Asta found himself ousted from combat sessions due to his overwhelming strength, granting him an abundance of free time. True to my teachings, he diligently pursued Irish, his future paramour, with unwavering dedication.

But while Asta basked in the glory of his newfound romantic pursuits, I found myself grappling with a different dilemma: my inability to harness the power of my unique skill, aptly named Creation. On paper, it seemed like child's play—after all, what could be simpler than conjuring objects out of thin air? Yet, despite my best efforts, my attempts at creation proved futile.

I had tried everything, from summoning mundane items like paper and pencils to more ambitious endeavors, but to no avail. It was as if the universe itself conspired against me, mocking my futile attempts with its resounding silence. And so, while Asta reveled in his conquests, I remained shackled by the enigma of my untapped potential, resigned to the absurdity of my plight.

And that Chiyoko guy, for now I'm stronger but I don't know why but he can imitate any techniques and magic by just seeing it once.
Is it because he is an otaku?, Or is he also a genius?, if things goes on like this, It will take him less than a month to surpass me.

But I couldn't let that distract me from my true mission: expanding my harem. I had lofty goals, aiming for a minimum of 40 to 50 ladies, if not hundreds. For the sake of my future paradise, For the sake of my unborn Childrens, I had to crack the code of my elusive Creation skill.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and summoned all my determination. "As I open my eyes, I'll have Appraisal Skill!" I declared confidently, counting down in anticipation.




I opened my eyes with eager anticipation, only to be greeted by the same disappointing reality—nothing. But giving up wasn't in my vocabulary. Determined to succeed, I approached the challenge from a different angle.

"Alright, new plan: Appraisal Skill...on my fingers! As I roll them like binoculars, Appraisal Skill will Activate."

With a deep breath, I rolled my fingers with the finesse of a magician performing a trick, and to my utter astonishment...

<Skill: Creation Activated>
<Skill: Appraisal has taken effect>

"It worked! Hahaha!" I exclaimed with uncontainable joy, celebrating my newfound success with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. Victory was finally within reach!

Discovering the true potential of my Creation skill felt like uncovering a hidden treasure trove. It wasn't just about summoning skills anymore—it was about setting triggers, like a master of ceremonies orchestrating a grand spectacle.

With a simple command, I could activate any skill or magic at will. For instance, I could declare, "In my voice, I have Persuasion Skill," and like magic, persuasion would weave its enchanting spell with every word I uttered.

But it didn't stop there. I soon realized that this power extended beyond skills to encompass magic as well. It was as if I held the keys to a boundless kingdom of possibilities, limited only by my imagination and creativity.

In the end, I understood that this skill was a treasure, only for who have High level of imagination and creativity can fully able to utilise it's maximum capacity and I'm very happy to say that This ability is in good hands,Hahaha....

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